"Oh, that sneaky dude!"

Everyone turned to the speaker of this weird sentence, Jason. He was holding a slip of paper which had been attached to the bottle of medication.

"Laughter can save the day."

"Asclepius, what a bad child." Leo waggled his finger around, looking amused. 

Piper laughed again, jumping out. "Where's Percy?"

"We'll go attend to him now, c'mon Piper!"

Feeling in an exceptionally good mood, Piper jumped up and kissed Jason. He looked surprised, but hey - Piper just loved surprises.


With Percy and Annabath resurrected, the crew was complete. Piper had never felt more happy in her life, holding a bowl of black bean soup and laughing at her friends jokes.

"You okay?" Jason whispered in her ear.

She shivered as his breath brushed against her hair. "Never better."

She looked around at her friends, smiling as Frank laughed when Leo dared him to drink the Tabasco sauce from the bottle.

"You do it!" Frank shot at Leo.

"Fine." Leo grabbed the bottle and squirted some into his mouth. His face turned red and contorted, as though he was constipated but after a while, he breathed and grinned toothily.

Frank looked impressed.

Piper laughed, as Hazel cleared her throat. 

"So, just wondering... how many days till the first of August?" 

This dampened the cheerful mood considerably.

It was Jason who spoke first like the leader he was, stoic and un bothered. "We have eleven days left. Leo, when do you think we will reach?"

Leo extracted a pink Dora the Explorer notebook from his tool bag. As Piper choked, attempting not to laugh at him, his face reddened.

"What? She was my childhood best friend," he confessed. "Plus, she's Spanish."

"Who's that?" Hazel frowned at the image of Dora.

"Long story," Leo quickly said.

He flipped though long pages of handwritten notes. "If there are no delays, we'll be arriving in four days."

"Knowing our luck, there will be delays," Frank said darkly.

Piper noticed that Percy and Annabeth hadn't been participating much in the conversation, and as Leo launched in to another tactic, she looked at them. 

They were gone.

"No!" she cried.

"What's wrong?" Jason grabbed her hand.

"Percy - Annabeth!" she screamed.

The three others turned, their eyes widening as they saw.

"I knew there would be delays," Frank muttered.

"Frank!" Hazel chided. "We have to find them, now!"

Then a sleepy voice swirled around the room.

It is fine, the voice slurred dreamily.

"Gaea!" Jason yelled. "What have you done with them?"

I have only brought them into a dream, an illusion. Do not fear, my loves. They shall be back in sixty minutes.

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