Somehow, almost every couple ends up together. All of them are if you don't include Thomas and James. Standing in the freezing cold, Angelica stands in front of her 'troops'. Peggy, John, Alex, James, Jenna and I. Everyone else is deferring to Hercules.

"Alright listen up soldiers! John, Jenna, Peggy, come to my left. Alex, James, Aaron, my right. I will sort you from there."

We all oblige because frankly, Angelica is a little... Captain-like.

"Peggy and James, you're working together. John and Aaron. Alex and Jenna. I'll be going solo on taking down Hercules. Let's do this!"

"Wait, so how do you know if you're 'out'? If you retreat into the house for hot cocoa?" asks Alex.

"Um, no. You go to the other side's jail until one of us bails you. Kinda like capture the flag. And dodgeball."

"Combined," I helpfully add. He glares at me.

"They're ready. 3... 2-1 GO!" Angelica screams, darting off.

"Wanna play defense or offense?" I idly ask my partner.

"Offense!" He exclaims, already aiming a snowball at Laf's face.

Clearly, John Laurens is not one for strategizing. However, I say nothing. I just dodge Maria's snowball and scoop one up myself. I haven't had a snowball fight in a long time. Not since Sarah, my sister, and I were on 'good terms'.

Laf easily dodges and whips one back at John, who sidesteps almost lazily. Then Laf gets nailed in the ear by Jenna, who gets hit by Eliza, who gets hit by John, all in rapid succession.

Peggy giggles and laughs as her sister proceeds to the jail. Her and James are our defensive players. Everyone else is going for it, I believe.

John gets hit by Maria, who gets hit by Angelica. Now the only people left are Alex, myself, Peggy, James, Angelica, Thomas, and Hercules.

Alex waits one second and turns to me. "If I don't live past tomorrow, I'm sorry. But if I don't go for Thomas, I don't know who I am."

"Good luck, Alex."

I watch in amusement as the small Caribbean gets halfway there, and Thomas just idly flicks a snowball in his face. Alex goes down, spluttering. "I take it back! Snow sucks!"

James and Peggy both go down from Herc. It's almost hilarious. He just somehow casually strolls up, kicks down their fort, and then showers them with snowballs. How that man is a stealthy one I will never know.

Me, Thomas, Ang, and Herc. This should be... entertaining. Thomas and I haven't been very invested in this game while Hercules and Ang are all in. I imagine this is how it'd be in a real war too.

Thomas makes eye contact with me. For a split second, I wonder why he bothered to come out here. His eyes are semi-glassy and his nose is bright red from sneezing.

Then, Hercules practically jumps on me, and I'm dodging as fast as I can. Once again, I find myself wondering how he can be subtle... At all. He's three times my size, about, and walking in snow.

We perform an awkward sort of dance. He scoops down and tosses snow at my head, and I dodge and run a little farther. I'm trying to subtly get to the jail. If I can rescue the others, I don't have to win this war for them. They can do it themselves. Thomas is a little preoccupied with Angelica to notice it.

"Oh, I see what you're doing," laughs Hercules, suddenly flipping around and blocking the route to the jail. "Fat chance, Burrsicle."

I groan and continue dodging. I'm doing pretty well. It's hard to believe-

My phone buzzes.

One text, two texts, three. Phone call.

That's all Hercules needs to get me out. He chuckles as I trudge away, but I can practically feel his confusion as I pull out my phone. And I start looking.

They're from Sarah. Her asking why I won't be home for Christmas. Asking how I could value my friends over her. Telling me she'll never forgive me for this. My heart clenches within my chest, and I try to calm myself down.

I hear Angelica shriek in victory, but it sounds far away. Jenna comes over and places her hand to my cheek, looking at me worriedly. "Aaron?"

"I'm fine." I flash a giant beam in her direction, unsure why her face is practically blurring.

"Let's go inside," she murmurs, trying to lead me in the front door.

I go to yank my arm away, but then I pause. What's so wrong about it? "Thanks. I'm cold."

"Yeah me too." She opens the door and points for me to sit on the couch as she goes to prepare drinks. Hot chocolate, I presume.

I awkwardly start scanning through the texts, an overwhelming feeling of guilt starting to crush me. Maybe she's right? I could always just drive down and see her. Christmas is supposed to be with family, not friends, as my sister keeps pointing out. She's... Older, and she has to be right. She always has been.

I feel Jenna's weight settle on the couch next to me, and her head falls on my shoulder. Her hair tumbles into my view, and she swallows before speaking. "Do you want to talk?"

My phone clicks off. "There's nothing to talk about."

"Aaron..." Jenna mumbles, picking her head up. "I'm not an idiot. I can tell something's bugging you. I won't force you to talk to me about it, but that usually seems to help, so..." She meets my eyes hopefully.

I shake my head a little. "Just... Can we just stay here for awhile?"

Jenna nods, accepting. "Okay. The water is heating right now." She curls into me, slowing her breathing and closing her eyes.

As everyone else slowly floods in, I just sit there and cradle my phone and Jenna.

Stories Undone, Scars Unseen // Hamilton College AUWhere stories live. Discover now