The Captive: Chapter Seven

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Here you go, my pretties, another chapter! :D DRAMA IS ALWAYS LOVED! <3


As usual, I was right about the interesting part, Louis moved his chair as close to mine as possible as I blushed thinking about the morning. At one point we both reached forward for the salt and our fingers brushed, I almost thought I was going to have a heart attack. Ever since I came to the conclusion I likes him, I have blushed all the time like a school girl, it was embarrassing. I glanced at him, every so often, from behind a few curls. The angle of his jaw was mesmerizing and his blue eyes sparkled when he laughed, they even crinkled slightly. I felt odd staring at him, which was why I excused myself from the table as quick as possible. Once inside my room, I let my thoughts of Louis run wild. How could anyone not find him attractive? You would have to be blind, like my old neighbor Mrs. Lisa and she was really blind. Of course thinking of Louis caused naughty thoughts, which lead to a fantasy of Louis acting like a cat. God, knows where that came from but from that thought, I remember my cat, Dusty. If I never returned home, how would he survive without me? I started to have a mini panic attack as Niall came bounding up my stairs, smiling happily.

"Uh, mate?" He asked looking worriedly at my wide and heavy breathing. "Are you okay?"

"I just remembered, my Dusty, I wonder if he is okay.." I said looking at Niall, horror written all over my face. "My poor pussy!" I screamed the last part as the rest of the clan was walking up my stairs.

"I thought you were gay?" Zayn said flopping down on top of Caroline Flack, "Why would you have a pussy?"

"He was talking about a cat, that I am guessing is at his house." Niall explained as everyone fitted into their usual spots around my room. Aiden wiggled behind me in my bed and Louis wiggled in front of me, they enjoyed making a Harry sandwich. Niall and Liam sat on the top of my desk while Matt sat on my desk chair, this is how we spent every day. "I think he is having a panic attack, I am not sure." I am at this point shaking, my hands trembling and I am trying to hold back tears. Aiden wrapped his arms around my waist as Louis rubbed his hands on my knees, both trying to calm me down.

"I forgot about my cat, I have been here for close to two month.."I said in between heavy breaths, "What if my mom forgot to feed him?" I don't think I would have acted this way, if I had not had all the Louis crush issue on my mind. I knew, in the back of my mind, my mother would not forget about Dusty as she did me, but it still it nerved me. Dusty was the only part of my old life I loved, which probably makes me sound like a loser.

"I use to have a cat, he had kidney problems." Niall said smiling kindly at me, trying to make me feel better.

"Dude, your cat and me have something in common!" Liam said excitedly, "You know, since I use to have kidney problem and had to get a transplant."

"You needed a kidney transplant?" I asked Liam looking at him, shocked because he looked so healthy to me then again I have only knew him for a short amount of time. 

"Yes, my cat's name was Jess, thanks for wondering." Niall said rolling his eyes at me, since I asked about Liam and not his cat.

"Yeah, I had been abused all my life and it caused me to have kidney failure after I got here. They forced me to go to the doctor and that is how we found out." Liam said smiling slightly, he was thinking back to unhappy days in his life. "The doctor said it was a combination of the abuse and a dye they had to use to track my blood, but it lead to my kidneys not working."

"Whose kidney did you get? Nicolo or Ruth's?" I asked and I gave a little chuckle, "You have a girly kidney!"

"I guess I do." Liam chuckled looking my way.

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