Epilogue:Lovind Dead

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Loving Dead


6 months later-

Finally, wedding day and my hands were becoming sweaty as Cyrene fixed up the few touches of my hair and Diana smoothed out the wrinkles of my dress.  

“Alright you ready?” Victor asked me before we stepped out in front of everyone. There weren’t many people only a few friends and family. 

Diana and Cyrene walked out as one of the bands Blake hired started to play “here comes the bride”. My hands started to sweat as Victor got ready to walk me out. If I could I would have had Jordin but right now he was locked away in a little white room.

Victor shoved me forward as I walked down the aisle. I stared at Blade he looked gorgeous in his black tux. I was wearing a smooth white dress that had a long tail behind it. The dress was strapless and I had my hair half up and half down. I walked slowly trying not to notice everyone’s eyes on me. But all I could see was Blake.

I couldn’t believe in a month all this could have happened. I know it seem weird and it came to fast, but I don’t know why but I knew this was meant to be and if it wasn’t then someone better drop kick me in the leg.

Victor kissed my cheek and walked beside Blade. Diana and Cyrene were off to the side there are smiles so wide I could swear it would jump off the faces.

“Do you Artemis Leanne Thompson do you take Blade Collin to be your lawfully wedded husband?

“I do.” I and Blade stared into each other’s eyes.

“Do you Blade Collin take Artemis Leanne Thompson as your lawfully wedded wife?”

“I do.”

“You may kiss the bride.” Blade leaned down cupping my face in his hand and kissed me softly. It was a slow passionate kiss.

“I love you.” He whispered.

“I love you more.” He smiled at me and I couldn’t be more happier.

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