"It's my fault, Jonah. I was teaching her how to use super speed and things got out of hand," Laura says, "This incident won't happen again."

"It better not, lest the Queen will have your head," he answers with a tiny bit of humour. This makes me feel ten times worse. I don't think he likes me. The group abruptly leaves after the conversation, with some sending a grimace my way.

"This was a totally bad idea."

"Well, you did want to learn," Laura says nonchalantly while smirking. I give her an exasperated look.

"You'll get better at it as long as you practice with your eyes open," she says, getting all serious. I sigh as an answer.

"I'm going to go read some more, gotta get educated." Laura curtseys and waits until I'm in my room to leave. Just then a thought crosses my mind. I'm going to do something that no one will find out about. I'm going to practice teleporting with the help from Dad' From the back of my mind a naggin thought tells me it won't go as planned. But I want to have an excuse to talk to him. I sit on my bed and picture Dad, using the technique from learning to speed run. I leave my mind blank and call him.

I open my eyes and see him before me, in his actual human form. "Hey dad," I say and hug him tightly. "I knew you could do it," He says knowingly. "Now, I know why you called me. You want to learn how to teleport." 

"How did you know?" I ask confused.

"I'm your father. I know when you want something...Ok that's not true, it's just one of my powers to be able to see tiny glimpses of the future, whoever it may be of. " 

 "Whoah that's cool. OK... please teach me how to teleport."

"Oh, all right. First take a deep breat. Close your eyes and picture the place you want to go to. Now you have to remember this. If you don't concentrate well, you will end up at a different place, possibly a different dimension and that's dangerous," dad says gravely, "I won't be able to help as I'm in this form."

 "I understand," I say, taking a great risk that could get me killed. 

A bright light  starts to consume Dad. I quickly get up and hug him, saying, "I'll find a way to bring you home." 

"I know you will." He kisses me on the cheek, leaving a breeze that chills my skin. I blink back the tears that are about to fall. 'This not the time.' I quickly compose myself and sit back down, prepared to do what he instruted. 

I close my eyes and imagine my bedroom on Earth. I feel the magic working and gasp with excitement. I feel a pull and my thoughts are interrupted as someone opens my bedroom door. 'Uh-oh, this is not good'

Within seconds, I fall down hard onto the ground, as if I was standing. I sit up and get the dizzy feeling like the other time I teleported. I sit still for a few minutes, waiting for the feeling to go away. When I'm done, I stand up and take in my surroundings. 'Oh Crap' I'm not at home, I'm in the woods. 'Where in the woods?'

I turn around fast when I sense a group of creatures surrounding me. They all look like sexy teenage guys and men in their twenties, with muscles in all the right places. I suddenly feel intimidated. None of them are wearing shirts, which intimidates me further.

"Well well, what have we got here?" a blonde guy says behind me. I turn around and make a fighting stance to show them I'm serious. 

Another says, "hey guys, she thinks she can take us all on. Who are you to cross our territory anyway?" I look at them confused. 'Territory?'

They all get a blank look on their faces. 'Are they mind-speaking? No, only vampires can do that...right?'

"Hey sweet-cheeks you're coming with me," says an overly buff dude.

"The hell I am." I run as fast as my vampire speed can take me, but one of them grabs me before I can get far. "Let me go!" I scream, struggling against their grip, "You have no idea who you're dealing with!"

"Oh? Then humour us," the buff dude demands.

"My mother is the Queen of the Augusta Kingdom"

"Ha look at her playing the mommy card, and an impossible one at that. If what you're telling is the truth-and I doubt that, then how stupid are you to be caught alone in werewolf territory?"

"Well I tele-" I stop what I'm about to say. They can''t know about my secret or I'll just give them more reason to imprison me. Instead, I'll just try to get out of this without putting myself in even more danger. "You're right, I'm stupid. I was actually lying and there's nothing really special about me so if you let me go I will never return ever again and I will stay out of your hair." I wait for them to relax a little so I can seize the moment to escape.

"You're not getting away that easily. You know about werewolves, and that's a big no-no. Also there's also the fact that you used super speed, which is a mystery we're going to solve. You're definitely not a vampire or werewolf..." Now is my moment, before they start to figure things out.

 I knee him in his privates and he immediately lets go, doubling over in pain. I quickly picture myself in a different part of the woods in case they decide to follow me. I feel the pull and someone grabbing onto my arm. We land in a clearing in the woods and I quickly scramble away from the person who grabbed me, fighting off the dizziness. He has a blank look on his face. When his face goes back to normal, I realize he's coming towards me in shock and anger. 

"Don't touch me!" I scream, putting two of my hands in front of me. Suddenly, an almost invisible and circular, blue shield forms in front of me. The black haired man hesitates when he sees what I did. I look shocked myself. He has that blank look on his face again. 'What in the world is he doing?' I think and snap out of my thoughts when someone behind me grabs me around my stomach. I scream and someone's large hand covers my mouth. My scream becomes muffled as I try to pull his hand away. I notice he covered my mouth with some type of towel. 'He's drugging me!' I struggle harder and feel myself going limp and being carried somewhere. My dizziness still hasn't gone away. My eyes start to flutter closed as my body becomes limp. 'Help' is the last thought I have.

Not So "Ordinary" Girl(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now