Part 51

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Molly's P.O.V

My mind wandered a bit as I stared at the canvas trying to think of something, yet nothing came to me. Out of frustration, I flung my paint brush slightly and the soft shade of yellow I had intended on using was splattered onto a section of the canvas, causing me to stare at it again.

This time, I picked up the biggest brush next to me and I painted the entire blank canvas yellow and let my hand do the rest.

I stepped back and looked at the complete scene of a sunset and I couldn't help but smile at my work. I stepped forward to fix one smudge when my body collided with a paint brush that was sticking out of a jar and the jar immediately fell over, breaking on the tile floor. I backed away carefully trying to figure out what had hit it, and when I realized that it was my belly, I stood there in shock. I heard Harry's footsteps as he came running into the room, frantically looking around.

"What happened?" He asked scared out of his mind.

"Nothing the jar just fell," I said backing out of the room. I scurried away into the bedroom sitting down, trying to process.

Minutes later, Harry appeared in the doorway with the same scared face as before.

"Are you sure you're okay, you're acting like something is up." His voice filled with worry.

"Yeah I just uh-" I said pausing to look at him. "Never mind," I said waving it off.

"Molly, come on. Spill." He said eagerly, I turned to look at him as I tried to find the words to explain

My eyes searched his for what seemed like minutes before I opened my mouth to speak.

"All of this just became so real" I whispered and his face filled with confusion. His eyes scrunch up, and he tilts his head just a bit.

"I'm showing," I whispered and his eyes stared right back into mine. I heard his breathing struggle slightly and a small smile crept onto his face.

"Really?" He said his voice barely even a whisper. I nodded my head and he pulled me onto him straddling his lap, his eyes still staring at me.

"This is really happening now?" The fear overtaking his voice as he tried to hide it.

"Yeah, it is,." I said ignoring it. I felt his hesitation as he leaned down to my lips, he acted as if this was the first time we had ever kissed and he was so nervous to actually get it over with.

I darted my eyes to his lips before I took control colliding with him, his hands slowly crept to my hips and I pulled on his curls. I couldn't help but still feel weird considering this was the first time in nearly 3 weeks we had contact like this, the only kiss we shared was when he left for work or came back. I tried to soak all of this in but his phone rang from under us and he hurriedly scrambled to answer it.

I sighed as he said 'Hello' and climbed off of him heading to the closet and returning with sweats on climbing into bed as Harry left the room.

Harry's P.O.V

My back ached when I woke only to see I was laying half on the bed with Molly sprawled out half on me. I rubbed my eyes and pushed her off of me. She let out a small groan before flipping over and I laughed as her face smushed into the pillow. I looked over her body laying there half under the sheet and I noticed what she had said last night.

Sure enough, there it was. My stomach did a flip itself at the thought but a smile grew on my face. I knew she was excited and nervous and I felt the same way, a child of my own and the best part- it was with her.

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