Part 38

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December 24th

"Merry Christmas!" Harry whispered in my ear softly and I hummed in response nodding my head. It was Christmas eve and I was engulfed in Harry's embrace, laying on the couch as we both stared at the blazing fire that hadn't died down yet after an hour.

"Tired?" His voice filled my ears once again.

"No" I lied, hoping he'd get the point. I flipped over facing him and I knew he was tired as well, but I nudged him and attacked his lips.

"Yeah?" He mumbled through the kiss and I smiled.

"Babe- I'm tired and so are you" He said still kissing me.

"But I want you" I whispered lowly into his ear, "Plus it's Christmas Eve." I pointed out and he groaned.

He finally gave in and deepened the kiss, running his hands under my sweatshirt against my bare back where he soon realized I was bra-less and he smiled.

"You're disgusting" I commented breaking away ready to stop but his hand caught my wrists against his chest.

"I'm sorry" His voice soft and pitiful as if he were begging me. It is ironic as he wanted nothing more than to not do this 4 minutes ago.

I flopped back down on him smiling as I dipped my head to his ."I love you" he mumbled against my hairline.

"I love you too, Harry" I mumbled, closing eyes and drifting off to sleep.

8:43 AM

When I awoke the next morning, Louis had not so gently crashed and sprawled himself over Harry and I.  We were still asleep on the couch, so I must have been sleeping very heavily.  I giggled and rolled my eyes before I pushed him off. Of course, he fell and crash with the floor with a thud. This just made me giggle even more. Harry's eyes opened and he entered a panic, increasing his grip on me and looking around until his eyes landed on Louis and a laughing Eleanor.

"Give a guy some warning" Louis exclaimed sarcastically and I laughed sitting up. Harry rubbed his eyes and slowly sat still looking around confused. I walked toward El and hugged her.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS FAMILY!" Louis yelled in my ear joining the hug and Harry finally laughed standing and joining the hug.

"I can't breathe" I gasped out and Harry's grip increased before we all released.

"What are we doing today?" Louis asked excitedy as he sat back on the ground. I rolled my eyes, walking to the kitchen to make breakfast with El for everyone.

"My mom and sister should be here any moment now." Harry said glancing at the time. "We also have Derek and his new girlfriend, as well as your folks and El's, right?" Harry said, counting the people on his fingers.

"So, that is 10 people for breakfast then we will all open gifts." He finished, making eye contact with me. I knew we had to get cooking before people got here, because everyone was gonna want to help.

"OKAY!" I yelled from the kitchen getting the boys attention. "You two get the table ready, Harry you change, El and I will get food ready and while it's cooking I'll change!" I yelled through the house to take charge.

"Calm down, woman!" Louis yelled back at me, giggling.

"Shut up and help me!" I glared at him and he walked off quickly to help Harry.

"Alright, well here we go" I said to El and the panicking began.

El and I were soon done when Harry appeared showered and dressed in his black jeans and expensive grey shirt and I smiled at the sight of him. The doorbell went off and I took off running to the stairs to our room to change when I heard voices fill the front room.

I threw the messy shirt off along with my leggings as I looked in the mirror at the sight of my messy bun tugging it down and brushing it out. There wasn't time for any special makeup so I threw my mascara and highlighter on knowing it was good enough with my eyebrows done. I jumped into my jeans with a flannel with some socks and took to the stairs where everyone greeted me with hellos.

Derek and Harry were helpful enough to bring all the food out for me and soon enough we were all sitting around the island in the kitchen and the dining room table. The parents worked there way to the dining room and everyone else migrated to the kitchen.  In here, wouldn't have to be annoyed with their storytelling of 'back in the days.'

Derek was going on about some recent case he took of a drug dealer being accused of selling bad batches and how the guy said to a judge "I sold him drugs but I didn't sell him no bad stuff, all my stuff is good." and we were all laughing when Harry caught my eye and his gaze dropped making me smile and blush.

"Presents time kids!" Louis' dad yelled to us and we all entered the living room where Harry's hand caught mine kissing me quickly. Christmas always made me feel like a little kid again, and I was so happy.

Harry's P.O.V

I closed the door behind Louis and El and locked it sighing out of exhaustion. Everyone was supposed to leave after we ate but ended up staying till 9:30.  I knew Molly was probably already sleeping but I had one last thing to give her.

I trudged up the stairs where sure enough, Molly was laying down half asleep. She did open her eyes when I entered.

"Hey," My voice a whisper. "Come outside I wanna show you something" She groaned sligthly but got up and followed me into the cold london air. Some snow was falling in her hair and I smiled down at her as she rubbed her eyes tiredly and looked at me as if to say 'hurry up with this.'

"Okay, so I had this whole thing and speech planned out for what I was gonna say but you're tired and so am I so I'm just gonna do this real quick." I rambled and her eyes widened at me, I pulled the small box from my back pocket and held it out to her.

Tears glossed her eyes and I knew she was freaking out thinking it was something else when it wasn't.

"I'm not proposing, yet." I joked and she laughed.  I opened the box for her, revealing the deep blue sapphire ring and she choked out tears of relief.

She grabbed the box from my hands to examine it closer. "I just wanted some reminder of my love for you to wear." I whispered slipping the ring on her as she threw her arms around me.

"Thank you" She whispered, "I love it"

"You're welcome.  Now let's go to bed, I'm so tired" I laughed wiping her tears away and walking us to bed.

Her tired arms reached for the comforter pulling it over her and I retreated to the bathroom stripping from my clothes leaving me in my boxers as I brushed my teeth and opened the door. Before I joined her, I closed the balcony door and locked it, turning off the light and sinking in beside her.  I pulled her into me, so happy to be back home with her.

Hey Guys!!!!! First of all, we are so sorry for not posting Wednesday night. I was really sick and did nothing but sleep for 2 days. But.... the good news is you get two chapters in one night!!!!!!!!!! We also took a bit of a time jump from the previous chapter so a lot is going on and a lot is going to happen!!!!! -Hannison

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