Part 39

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One week later

Molly's P.O.V

I stared at the ring on the nightstand as tears dropped on my pillow. I turned on my back and was reminded once again I was alone. It was 2 days after the New Year and I hadn't seen Harry since New Years Eve, I had been alone in the house since. I avoided my paints, knowing I'd just put something depressing on the blank canvas, something more depressing then my life right now.

I refused myself to replay the conversation in my head afraid it was the last, my mind wandered to it though as it replayed in my head. We had a fight like normal couples and we had a few little disagreements but nothing major, nothing like this. This felt different.

New Years Eve

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" The screams filled my ears and Harry's lips attached to mine momentarily before he pulled away smiling with twinkling eyes.

By 3 AM, everyone was heading home and I was grateful Harry and I didn't drink and were able to drive ourselves home. Harry's car roared in the cold early morning air as we made our way onto the highway and all we saw were brakelights, Harry groaned in frustration and I snuggled myself back into my jacket ready to doze off.

"Would you ever want to get married?" Harry's voice cutting through the car shocking me.

"What?" I croaked out in shock.

"I was talking with everyone and Mike and the other guys are planning on it, and I was just wondering"

"I mean yeah I would, but I'd like to be with you for a year before we took that step" I said honestly and I knew right away it wasn't the answer he wanted.

"When you asked me back in New York on how I saw my future, I wanted to say I saw you but I didn't." His voice stern.

"Oh." Was all I could think of and I felt the knot in my throat form.

"That's it, 'oh?', that's all you can say when I practically just told you I want to spend my life with you?" his voice now obviously irritated and I sunk into my seat.

"Harry I'm sorry, you caught me off guard and to be honest I'm just really tired." I wasn't trying to avoid the conversation I was just exhausted and didn't feel like having an emotional conversation at this hour.

"Yep." was all he said as he stared straight ahead as traffic started to move and soon only a few cars were on the road.

Harry started to accelerate the further we got out of the city and I became aware of his fist clenched around the steering wheel and I grew anxious. Lights were flying by us as the tall buildings were growing scarce until it was just road, this only made him drive faster and I knew he was pissed.

"Harry can we slow down a little." I asked quietly and I got no response. His speed not changing at all until a few moments later when he went to pass someone.

"Harry!" I said a little louder but he still ignored me, he went to change lanes and soon enough we found ourselves sliding.

"HARRY!" I screamed as we came to a complete stop halfway off the road and he sat there staring at the wheel before he pressed the gas pedal and turned back onto the highway where we maintained a normal speed.

I was beyond pissed at this point, I knew he was upset as well, but that doesn't mean you have to drive like a freaking maniac to prove a point. I opened the car door and slammed it behind me as I opened the main door to the house, I took off my jacket and placed it on the hook when Harry entered the living room and shook his off as well.

"I'm going to bed." he said dryly starting to walk off.

"That's it?" I said and he turned to face me. "You're going to go to bed after you almost got us killed and you ask me that kind of a question at 3 AM?"

"Well what else do you want me to do, you already killed the conversation"

"Well I didn't realize you were that gung-ho about it" I retorted back to him and his head shook.

"What else has to happen, we went through all that crap this past summer and all the drama with you coming back. What else do we have to go through for you to see that I want this?"

"Harry, I need time to do this! I don't want to completely jump into this because I'm still dealing with all the after effects."

"But I'm here! and I am going to be here for all of it!" He yelled and I looked to my feet. "I have to go" he said, heading for the door.

"No, you don't." I replied, crying and grabbing his arm. He turned, looking at me with the familiar darkness in his eyes and I let go, watching him walk out. I stood there in shock. I couldn't cry, I couldn't scream, I couldn't move so I just stood there. Never has he ever walked out like that, he  left when he found out about Lydia, but that was different. This time, this time he just walked out.

20 minutes later I trudged upstairs crawling into bed.  Part of me expected him back here tomorrow but the other part of me didn't think so. I didn't expect myself to fall asleep, but I eventually did only to wake up each hour to see if the car was back. After 7 AM, I gave up and stayed in bed.

11 AM

I finally woke up, very aware I was still alone in the house. I walked into my art room Harry had set up for my birthday back in September when I turned 23. I had everything imaginable but couldn't produce anything. An artist is supposed to feed off feelings and emotions but I couldn't. Not when the feelings were too deeply affecting me and they weren't inspiring feelings, they were depressing feelings.

I sat around the rest of the day not wanting to eat as I checked my phone every 30 minutes. When it did go off,  it was only a notification for the deadline for the art show.  I threw the phone on the couch in response.

Finally, around 11:30, I crawled into bed for the night.  I found sleep right away but was only woken up by my own nightmare and then it hit me. He was gone.

OOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Get pumped because its starting to get VERY interesting!!!!!


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