Part 43

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Molly's P.O.V

I sat in the doctor's office waiting for the test results to come back.  I had been watching the clock for 15 minutes singing songs in my head, going insane until I heard a knock. The doctor entered closing the door behind him, sitting across from me.

"Ms. Robinson," He paused looking over all the paperwork. "I can confirm you are pregnant, and everything here in your labs look perfect" I smiled at him and he chuckled below his breath.

"You are about 6 weeks along, and I really want to start doing weekly check up's with ultrasounds and labs. I honestly don't know how this happened and I want to apologize for anything my team missed but I am going to do anything in my power to keep you and this baby healthy." I nodded my head as tears welled in my eyes. "Shall we do an ultrasound?" I nodded my head.

"Is there anyone in the waiting room you want us to get for this?" He asked and I thought of Addi, why not I thought and I nodded my head telling him the name. He walked out of the room and left me waiting once again.

Harry's P.O.V

"Hello?" I said into my phone moments after getting back from lunch with Lious.

"Harry, It's Addi"

"Hey, is everything ok?" I asked sitting up in my seat.

"Yeah everything is fine I just thought you would want to know I'm here with Molly at the doctors because the doctor wanted to make sure everything was alright and-"

"Addi!" I said loudly cutting her short. "Is Molly okay?" I was starting to get nervous at this point.

"Yeah it's all fine, they're going to do an ultrasound and I thought you would like to be here for that- you could surprise her maybe?" Her voice was quiet at this point and I let everything she just said sink in.

"I'll be there in 5" I said hanging up my phone. I opened my door quickly walking fast through the hall passing Heather before I turned around.

"Clear all my meetings for the next 2 hours, I'll be back in a bit"

"But what about-"

"I don't care who they are, cancel them. I'm meeting Molly" I rushed and turned quickly, running out of the building into the parking garage and pulling out quickly.

The hospital wasn't that far from my office, only a few blocks and I was lucky enough to run a few red lights without anyone suspecting me. I glanced at my watch, It had been 3 minutes and I was hoping the doctor wasn't completely booked and would wait a few minutes.

I pulled into the hospital parking lot throwing my car in park and shutting it off running toward the main entrance.

"Hi- Molly Robinson, she came in to meet with-"

The lady held her hand up stopping me and pointed toward a waiting room where I saw Addi talking to a doctor about to leave with him when she saw me. I strided over quickly to them and the doctor immediately recognized me.

"Follow me" He instructed and I did, leaving Addi behind, waving at me as she left the hospital.

The doctor stopped at a door and knocked before entering and held the door open for me. It wasn't until I was next to her did she realize it was me. She looked up at me grinning, obviously surprised.

"Hi" I whispered, kissing her hairline.

"What are you doing here?" She asked shocked.

"Addi called me" I said sitting down holding her hand.

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