Chapter 32

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Scorpius had seemed a bit erratic lately.

One day he was down, the other, he was uplifted and cheery. It was quite confusing for Albus, figuring out his friend's moods.

Today, though, his face was grey and ashy, and Scorpius' expression was tense with worry lines. His fist was loosely gripped around his cereal spoon, abandoned in the sodden breakfast. His mouth was curved downwards, and he was gnawing at his lip. Albus frowned. "You, okay, mate?"

Scorpius' head jerked up, his eyes permeated with suprise. "Pardon?"

The Potter boy raised an eyebrow. "You're a bit out of it, Scorp. What's wrong?" His voice was tinged with worry.

Scorpius' face suddenly closed, face wiped of emotion. "Everything's fine," he stated bluntly.

Albus' eyes flickered with defiance. "You don't seem like it."

Scorpius curled his fist into a ball, knuckles white with pressure. "Albus, I swear to Merlin-" He sighed. "Everything is okay, I promise. It's just.... Personal."

Albus glanced away, upset. "I feel as if you're.... Ignoring me." He internally cringed when the sentence came out, all girly and chick-flick moment-y.

The Malfoy paused at that. In a perfect world, he would be able to kiss Albus, right at this moment. He would lean forward, and everything would magically be okay.

His father would pay attention to him, and come out of the house, and finally smile for once. He would be able to hold hands with Albus, and no one would care.

But that world wasn't real.

Scorpius sighed. He shouldn't have listened to Rhea in the first place, his hopes were unrealistically high and his imagination was jumping about, going wild.

"Albus...." He tried to say more, but his throat closed up, and he couldn't say any more. Wiping a tear away, he stood up and pushed his chair in, sitting the bowl and the soggy cereal down next to the sink.

Scorpius left quietly, feet barely touching the shiny wood as he clambered up the stairs.

Albus was left sitting silently at the countertop, staring at his friend's retreating figure, mind searching wildly as to what he had done wrong.


Chapter Question:

How do you imagine being LGBT in the world of magic is taken, based on these boys feelings and thoughts? Can you explain why?

(Also, I'm not quite happy with this chapter, by the way. I'm not able to communicate Scorpius' feelings accurately to the reader. Please, if you do have any suggestions for me, please put them in the comment section, or my DM box.) :)

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