Chapter 19

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Albus didn't understand why it hurt so much.

Why was love mean to cause pain?

He stared out the window, watching the lush hillside pass by, as the train chugged its way down the metal railroad tracks.

The sky was a bright blue, a few puffy cotton clouds dotting the sky.

If it had reflected his mood, it would be pouring fat, wet rivulets of rain down the window.

Scorpius eventually caught on to his misery, and laid an arm on his shoulder, intending to comfort his best friend.

It only made the agonizing hole in Albus' chest worse.

"Why are you sad?" The Malfoy boy tried to venture, concern creeping into his expression.

The dark haired boy wanted to scream and shriek, to rip out his hair. I'm sad because I love you!

But he couldn't say it.

Scorpius was the only one he had left.


Scorpius bit his lip, looking down at his feet. Albus had never replied, and the misery on his face was quite prominent.

Something was obviously wrong.

Is it because of me?

He racked through his brain, trying to come up with a plausible explanation for why Albus would be angry with him.

Now that he thought of it, maybe his best friend had caught a view of him and Rhea together.

The blonde girl was quite a bubbly one, always chattering on about 'fandoms', or some other thing. The two had become friends, sharing their views on their favourite books.

Unfortunately for Scorpius, she was desperately trying to pair Albus and him up, taking any and every chance that popped up. It was getting to be quite embarrassing.

Rhea had never appeared to be interested in him, though.

But did Albus know that?

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