Chapter 24

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The Potter's house was unexpectedly cozy.

It was built up of warm crimson bricks, with slabs of rich brown wood for the floor inside. The winding path of stairs led to an upper floor consisting of a multitude of rooms, all painted a gentle cream.

It was a prominent contrast to the cold, indifferent stark white that was slapped onto the walls of the Malfoy's manor home, that was for certain.

Scorpius gaped at the welcoming beauty of Albus' home, and startled when he felt a faint tap on his shoulder. "Oi, Scor? You okay?"

His heartbeat was calmed by the soothing tone of his best friend, and he turned his head to look at Albus. "Yeah, I'm fine. Where do I put my stuff?"

He gestured towards his heavy trunk that was weighing down his aching hands, itching to get rid of it.

Albus nodded. "Oh, come on. My room is upstairs."

Scorpius lugged the heavy bag up the stairs, grunting with each heave. Albus struggled to keep the amused smile off his face, and waited patiently.

Finally, the pair had reached the Potter boy's room. It was simple; an ordinary bed covered with a thick, navy down, and a wooden chair and desk.

Scorpius liked it.

He glanced over at his best friend, expecting a flimsy 'sorry, its not that great'. Instead, Albus' features were stricken, and irritation was tangible in his expression.

He huffed, and began stomping down the stairs. "Mum!" Albus hollered. "I thought you had-"

His voice was cut off as he strode down onto the second floor. Scorpius raised an eyebrow.

What was up with him?

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