Chapter 7

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The student's mouths parted with astonishment as the room was aglow with shining, shimmering lights.

They cried out in wonder as a silvery owl fluttered around them, pushing back against the mock dementors.

Amidst this beautiful scene, stood a miserable Albus. He stared down at his oaken wand. No matter how much strength and happiness he mustered, he couldn't produce a Patronus.

Sighing heavily, he struggled to recall the euphoria he felt when he had finally been able to lift off on his broom.

For once, he thought he could actually be like his father.

Suddenly, that joy was ripped away by the memory of him hurtling towards the ground, the world quickly flickering past him.

Albus bit his lip, and turned around, heading towards the door. The teacher wouldn't notice his absence.

No one ever did.

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