chapter 33

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I looked up after I used my hand to clutch my side that was hurting. I looked up to see zak there.

Me:what are yhu doing here?

Zak:after what yhu said and how she acted I realized I just couldn't married. After all that happened I realized I can't be happy. If I can't have the girl I love with no matter what then I can't be happy. I need to be with yhu. The only one yhu. Cause if I can't be that happy by ur side then I don't want to date or get married. Yhu mean the world to me and this love I have for yhu is strong. I don't want to have anyone but yhu.


Zak:I'm serious. I just can't have anyone else.

Me:even tho after what Christine said yhu still didn't marry her?

Zak:I don't care what yhu did in the past I don't care. I just care that I love yhu and yhu mean the world to me. I don't care if ur not skinny or yhu have a clean face. I care about yhu how u are ur beautiful to me and that's all that I care. I don't care what other people say u mean the world to me and I love yhu.



Me:can u get off my stomach is hurting from ur hard abs

Zak:yeah hahaha sorry

Me:it's fine

He lend me his hand and I took it and stood up I just couldn't believe that someone actually likes me for me. Not because of how I looked but who I am. And I couldn't be more lucky.

I saw zak getting down on one knee... I couldn't believe.

Zak:I know this ring was for Christine. But I don't want anyone else to have it. I want yhu. I want to be with yhu I want to wake up everyday to see yhu and nothing else. Please Karla Mary Groff will yhu please make me the happiest man on earth and become my beautiful and only wife?

I was shocked tears we're coming out and I saw my dad my mom the guys coming my dad said "go ahead" and also my mom everyone said yes. The only thing I had to do was say yes. All these things I've had done have come so far and it was paying off I was finally gonna be happy more happy than I already was.

Me:yes... Yes zak.. Yes.. (crying)

Zak:thnk yhu ... I love yhu

He put in the ring in my finger and kissed me.. It felt finally good to kiss the man that I loved the one man I loves. He then picked me up and spun me and kissed me again.I couldn't be any more happy.

Zak:I love yhu.

Me:I love yhu too. U sure u don't mind being engaged for 2 yrs cause I have to get married till I'm 18

Zak:hahaha I don't care as long as ur by side I don't care.

Me:I love yhu zak.

Zak:I love yhu more than more than more. I love yhu

Dad:wow my little girl is growing fast.




Amy:guess what.


Amy:me ash and Veronique are engaged

Me:omg are yhu serious?!?!!?

Ash:yup I'm marrying jay

Billy:great I'm now the only guy whose not engaged.


Zak:u'll find urs like how I found mine.

Me:yeah it'll come billy no worries.

Then as if like magic a girl came back and dropped her glasses. Billy picked them up for her.

Girl:wanna go get some Ice cream?

Billy:u read my mind.


Me:have fun.

They both left. It was cute

Me:now what?

Zak:how about we go to the venue with everyone Else. Even tho no one is getting married.

Dad:I don't want to waste any food.

Mom:lets go

Amy:we can celebrate


Jay:finally everyone is happy.

We got in the cars and drove to the venue zaks family came over also. I got to meet his mom his step dad and his sister. And his little niece. So it was nice. We got to dance and his family was thrilled to see us happy together again. And relieved he wasn't marrying Christine. Every couple went on the dance floor and danced. Everyone had a great time. And I couldn't be more blessed than being happy.

Zak:hey come on lets go outside.

Me:it's snowing zak

Zak:I know so we can play.

Me:fine hahaha

He grabbed my hand and we went outside of the venue to the garden it had a big garden back of the venue. It was beautiful.

Zak:for yhu for the most wonderful girl I know.

Me:aww zak

Zak:I love yhu and I want this rose to stay as beautiful as how our love is until we both die.

Me:I love yhu.... Can yhu imagine we met 3 yrs ago. And now I'm engaged to yhu. And alot has happened.

Tears we're forming because back then I thought I was gonna be alone. Thinking I was gonna loose this wonderful guy.

Zak:why are yhu crying?

Me:I'm sorry it's just I thought I was gonna loose yhu ...

Zak:u'll never loose me for as long as I live u'll never loose me.

Me:ok (hug) I love yhu

Zak:I love yhu too.

We kept walking around the garden just talking and holding hands. Walking through the snow in the garden. It was so beautiful. It was a perfect day.

Zak:may I have this dance?

Me:there's no music.

Zak:who said there had to be music?


zak:come on.

We went into the middle of the garden and we started swaying to the music. The music was played loud. It was perfect. We started dancing the waltz. I loved the song. The snow the night and the lights it was a perfect song. My world was finally completed and happy. Here was too all the great years ahead. We kept dancing to the song it was a beautiful moment. It felt like prom all over again. Feeling young and dancing to the music. I felt amazing. We continued dancing till almost night time at 9pm. He then lead me to the car and he drove me home. We arrived and we said goodbye.

Zak:tomorrow how about we have a date.

Me:alright what kind of a date?

Zak:romantic dinner so wear something comfortable. Like dress that's comfortable and shows also.

Me:alright what time?

Zak:say 6pm? Sunset time?

Me:ok ... Can't wait wait. Night

Zak:night beautiful (kiss+ hug) it feels good to finally be with yhu together again.

Me:yeah night


I went inside and went to my room I was going when I got a txt it was from zak saying " goodnight my princess can't wait for our date tomorrow"

I txt back saying " good n8ght can't wait either night my prince.." I went to my room and just fell asleep like that. I was finally happy. Happy with the man I love.