Chapter 7

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The next day I woke up it was about 7pm I decides to get dressed up and see what I missed on my phone I checked and had 10 missed calls and 10 messages from my peeps


I decided to call Nick to see what was going on

I was waiting for him to pick up but he never answered I called Elena same thing I called Alex same thing I called Aaron and zak and it was the same thing it was getting weird I swear I decided to put on my jacket since I was only on pajamas and some shoes I walked out with my key and phone ....

I walked to Elena room and knocked I waited and I saw the door was open


I went inside and saw no one I went to her room and saw her clothes gone I was getting worried I went to nicks and the door was open and so was his clothes we're all gone I went to everybody room everything same thing happened.

I was really starting to get worried I was panicking alot I went to the front desk and saw no one I looked in the rooms at the back the office and nothing

Me:seriously what's going on

Then the lights went out I grabbed a flash light and I went to the front door I tries getting out but it was locked

Me:seriously.....back door always open

I went to the back door I ran to it and it was lock I didn't know what else to do anymore I then I heard someone calling my name


Me:who's there


I turned around and I saw the demon killer who killed my parents he was black he had blood from his face to his whole body he had one eye only and a hook on one of his hands

"no one is going to save u one "

I then ran up stairs I ran and ran I went and checked to see for a room was open

Me:seriously a demon is trying to kill me and no door is open

Then the door open and it was zaks room I went in it was freezing cold it was dark the room turned pitch black red it was getting Weird

Me:ok demon stop messing with me I'm done with u


The things we're being thrown I decided to leave I was going for the door when it close shut I went to it and tries opening it was closed

Me:come on man

I saw a dark figure it had black clothes all over it had hair it was talk I went closer and it was zak but his eyes we're to the back of his head


He had blood on himself he had nothing inside I could see through him clearly he had no soul

Me:zak it's me Karla please

He was coming to me he had a knife he was gonna stab me with it

Me:why are u doing this demon u fucking soon of a bitch


I saw the demon he for inside zak

Demon:now before u die let me say that my names Josh and now ur gonna be name deathy


I was backing away to somewhere I was at the door I couldn't back out anymore he was coming close to me already I was trapped

Josh:say good bye


He then stabbed me inside my chest



I woke up and I shot out of bed I had sweat on my forehead I had tears coming down my face and I felt a burning sensation on my back I went to the mirror and saw 4 scratches ....I heard banging on the door I for scared

Me:leave !!!!

?:it's us ...zak...Nick..Aaron...Elena..and Alex


I opened the door and saw him as a demon everyone had those eyes again I was in horror


he then slashed my chest with the knife I was screaming in pain I saw everyone coming at me shooting me tearing me apart ....


I opened my eyes and shot out of bed I was sweating like crazy and had tears streaming down my face I looked and it was after noon I couldn't stop crying it felt so real like I actually died my heart couldn't stop thumping ..I felt like it was gonna get out of my chest I then heard a knob turn I looked and I saw everyone they came I

I then ran to Nick I was crying I couldn't stop he hugged me I was crying

Nick:what's wrong

Zak:we heard pounding and screaming

Me:I .....I felt like I die in my sleep my parents killer was in it he possessed zak he took over him he had ......a knife he stabbed me on the chest I woke up and I felt something burning I looked and had 4 scratch marks on my back

Aaron:everything is gonna be ok

I couldn't stop crying they tries everything I just couldn't do anything about it and the location lockdown is tonight they couldn't cancel I didn't know what to do

GHOST ADVENTURES LOVE STORY *TRIANGLE *LOVE? MAYBE ?YES?NO?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ