chapter 28

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I woke up the next day. I realized it was Christmas day. I got out of bed well dragged myself out of bed and put on my slippers did my hair and washed my face before going downstairs. I got to the living room to see nana and papa and dad making hot coco.

Me:morning...merry Christmas (hug)

I hugged my dad nana and papa. I was blessed to have my family a new actual family.

Me:where's everyone else?

Nana:they'll be coming down in 1....2.......3

And everyone came running including little Nicholas. He was adorable in his Santa claus pjs.

Me:morning merry Christmas. Merry Christmas Nicholas. Can I hold him?

Mary:of course.

I got babys Nicholas on my arms and he was heavy but adorable. He was a little gift that no one would be able to get out from.

Mark:ur gonna make a wonderful mother one day.

Nick:(spits out coco) ..... Ummm

Me:relax... It won't happen now.... Maybe later...

Nick:ah nah


Papa:lets go open our gifts.

Nana:merry Christmas.

We went over to the living room to find more gifts. It was beautiful how everything looked. It was a wonderful Christmas. Too bad what I wanted wasn't here.

Me:excuse me....

I gaved baby Nicholas to aunt Mary and went outside to the backyard garden. I couldn't help but break down to what happened with me and zak. I wish I never met him never in my life. If I didn't meet them and didn't go to that school I would never have been hurt.


I turned around to see Mark. I didn't know why but I just ran to him I needed to someone to hug me I just needed a friend. I needed my friend here with me my bff Ethan. I needed him with me right here.

Mark:it's fine.... (hug)

Me:no it's not I ....I- wish I never me-met z-zak .... If I didn't have met him and didn't go to that school all this hurt wouldn't have had happened in the first place . (crying)

Mark:(hug) but if yhu did ....... U would never have had a great family like us. And we wouldn't have never met yhu and feel loved when u arrived. I know things happened but they happened for a reason. If no boy ever sees yhu the way I see yhu as an amazing girl and beautiful then no guy deserves yhu. I know I'm family but I mean it as any guy would meet yhu. Ur amazing and u deserves to be suffering and crying. Yhu deserves to move on and be happy ...


Mark:course. U mean something to everyone to whoever meets yhu. And just by seing yhu here right now and the snow falling down. U look beautiful.


He then came closer and closer the more he came close the more the moment was perfect. The snow falling any girl would be dreaming this day with there perfect guy kissing in the snow on Christmas day. we came close and we kissed I was shocked but kissed back. I felt a good feeling toward him I smiled but the feeling of zak came back again.I blocked it away and just focused on what was happening. We pulled away. And I just blushed



Mark:did yhu feel anything?