chapter 4

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The next day I woke up and got dressed into some jeans long socks a tanktop and a vest black and my black beanie and some black and red Jordan my red bracelets and my red and black Dracula skull book bag

I then went downstairs and got some orange juice apparently they woke up early to get some exercise it was only me Alex and Elena



Me:eh morn

Elena:what's wrong

Me:I really don't want to go to school at all

Elena:hey lays day before we go on investigation

Alex:it's gonna be Awsome

Me:I don't think I'm going to the investigation tomorrow night


Me:I really don't think I want to I'll go after school on the car with the equipment to San


Alex:u said u would go

Me:I know but I just don't think I Can

Elena:if it's cause of zak u still have to go

Me:I'll see

We left and went to school I went to my locker and saw a note and rose on it

Me:who's this

Note:"turn around "

I did and I saw Jake there with his smile there I like it alot maybe he will change my life



Me:it's really sweet of u


The bell rang and I got my books

Jake:better go to homeroom before mr.grumpy head gets on his period

Me:yeah lol then his eyes try to pop out of his head

Jake:I love seing that

Me:me too it's one of the things only things I like about the teacher

We had the same hr and all the classes we sat down and we sit infront of eachother

-end of the school day-

I went to my locker I said goodbye to Jake cause he had to get ready for his game tonight I went to my Locker to get my bag and some of the things to take home I got them and empty my locker I then went home. I entered and saw Elena and Alex setting up for tomorrow night investigation with the guys

Me:Nick hey Aaron (hug)

Nick:hey Karla

Aaron:hey sis

Elena:ur not going

Me:I am I just came to leave somethings

Alex:have fun


I went to my room and left some things I decides to help them before I go to the game I had 2hrs so I decide to help out

Nick:u look beautiful

Me:thx Nick

Alex:very nice


Zak:look amazing

Me:thx :/

I grabbed some things and out them in the case for our investigation on Saturday