Part 21

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I really really don't like flying. It doesn't matter if it is on a thestral or with a airplane, I just don't like it. I was really lucky that Zeus didn't shoot me out of the sky with his lightning bolt, but he didn't make the trip to London easy. Everyone was catching their breath after they jumped of the thesterals that had taken them to London. Zeus didn't blast me with his lightning bolt but he tried his best to throw me and everyone else of the flying black horses with the wind.

Ron, Neville, Luna and Ginny had met Harry, Hermione and I at the entrance of the school after we ran out of the forest. Apparently Ginny had distracted the Slitherins with stomping on the toes of her captor, hard. Neville had taken the little distraction as a chance to break out of the hold of Crabbe, who was holding him, and knocking him out with the training I had given him over the year. Ginny and Ron were so surprised at the action that they didn't stop talking about it until they reached the clearing where the thestrals were.

Half of the group couldn't see the horse like creatures, so it had been a challenge for them to actually get on them. We took of as soon as everyone was settled with Harry in the lead. Well, Harry's thestral in the lead. The creatures knew perfectly which way to go and took us there without any trouble, aside from Zeus being a dick of course. After an hour of flying we arrived in the middle of London in one of the smaller streets. The street was deserted thankfully, it would have been a pain in the ass to have some mortal asking questions about how a group of teens suddenly flew down fro the sky on invisible horses. Or if they could see them, horses with wings.

We had to stuff ourselves in a phone booth to get into the ministry. The ministry really had to get a new visitors entrance, or at least make the inside of this one larger. They had magic for Hades' sake, they should be able to do at least that.

Harry led us towards a set of elevators once we arrived in the ministry itself. Fortunately, these were big enough to fit a group of seven people comfortably. But the space didn't bother me, what bothered me was the feeling that something was going to go horribly wrong tonight. And as deeper we got, the stronger the feeling that we got closer to the underworld got closer. Normally it wouldn't bother me that much, there were little entrances to the underworld all over the world. But the fact that it was so close, or even in the ministry was bothersome to me. Wizards were a bit more aware of different kinds of energy so they could notice that something was different. They wouldn't know what it exactly is.

Ron stopped Harry when we arrived at a big black door at the end of a hallway on the lowest floor. "What are we looking for in the department of mysteries?" He questioned looking at the door warily. "Only Unspeakables know what is behind this door, and they're the only ones that are allowed to enter." He continued.

"Rules are there to be bend or broken." Was the only thing I said before pushing open the door and stepping through it. I half expected to be hit with some sort of curse or that there would be an alarm going off. But nothing happened. "Most secret department of the ministry and not even an security spell or something. These guys are just nuts." I mumbled as I looked around in the room full of identical doors.

The door slammed shut behind Ginny, who entered last. "Harry, which door do we need to have?" Hermione asked. She had walked towards one of the doors and was inspecting it.

Harry looked at the door opposite of the door we came through. "It was that one in the dream." He said pointing at it. Not wanting to waste anytime, he walked towards it and opened it. Harry looked back at everyone as if to confirm that we were following him before going through the door.

Hermione let out a gasp as she entered the room. I kind of understood why, in the room were fish tanks filled with brain shaped things with tentacles. "Di Immortales. These wizards are nuts." I said to Neville, who was looking around the room with an disgusted look on his face.

"I believe this isn't the room you meant?" Luna asked as she got closer to one of the fish tanks, she didn't even react as one of the brain thingy's slammed to the glass trying to attack her. Harry shook his head before exiting the room, all of us quickly followed. Hermione pointed her wand at the door as it closed and muttered a spell which made a red cross on the door we just exited.

The feeling that I was almost in the underworld was coming very strongly from a door to my left. Slowly I opened the door and stepped inside the room. It looked like an ancient roman theatre with a raised platform in the middle. A big arch with what looked like a veil was placed on the platform. I squinted my eyes a little and looked through the mist. The veil disappeared and I looked straight at the Fields of Asphodel.

"Nico? What's in there?" Neville asked as he came to stand behind me and Hermione joining him.

"One of the smaller entrances to the underworld." I replied in Greek. "Go on without me, I need to check if it's properly secured so no souls can escape." I continued turning my head to look at Neville. Neville let out a little sigh.

"Go to the hall with the doors when you're done." He instructed me looking straight at me. I raised my arm in a mock salute. Then I reached down and grabbed my celestial bronze dagger from my boot and handed it to Neville, who took it with a nod and attached it to his belt and hiding it underneath his jacket.

Neville turned and closed the door behind him. Leaving me to do my job as son of Hades.


And here is an other chapter. I really should be working on school work, but I am going crazy if I see something Biology or Chemestry related today. 

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XOXO Herondale.

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