part 7

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Nico's P.o.V.

It has been a few days since Will, Jenna and I told Hermione and Neville the truth. I started training Neville at least twice a week in combat, greek and latin, basic knowledge a demigod should have and his powers. Combat isn't his strongest point, until now hunting daggers are his favorites and best. His powers are improving fast, he can let plants grow very fast but Will forbid it him to do more then once a day, incase his powers are going the same kind of toll they take from me. We are still waiting for Leo to arrive.

Hermione and Jenna started catching up, and are now almost insepreble. Hermione was very intrested to learn all about the greek gods and monsters. I told Jenna not to tell everything about our world, else it could bring Hermione in danger.

Hermione and Neville have been hanging around us most of the time. Jenna and Will didn't go to all the classes. Their story was that they are here to learn at the infernery. So that ment that Will and Tessa weren't in D.A.D.A. wich I'm a bit dissapointed with, cause that stupid toad has made the goal to get me as mad as possible and she's doing a fairly good job.

Dumb and Dumber are being annoying as always. They are paranoid if you ask me. Alsmost everysecond of the day they try to get prove that I am a deatheater. Like siriously I've proven many times now that I am no deatheater but noo, they keep on comming with their stipid theories. One of these days I am gonna kill someone.

I got broken from my thought by Hermione calling my name. I turned to see her running down the corridor trying to catch up to me.

"Yes Hermoine?" I asked as soon as she stopped infront of me, panting like a madwoman.

"Monster.... Near the.... Edge of the forest.... Will and Jenna need you." She said inbetween breaths, and as soon as those words left her mouth I reacted. I grabbed her arm mumbling a 'Hold on' Before willing the shadows to transport us to the edge of the forbidden forest. We reappeared about twenty feet away from Will, Jenna and the monster I reconised as the minotaur. A groan escaped my lips as soon as I saw it. Many people know that Percy and the minotaur are old enemies but the minotaur reacts a bit more aggressive to me.

"Hermione stay here." I said as I turned my ring that made my sword appear in my hand and I started running towards the fight.

Will and Jenna were holding against the minotaur but not for long, Neville lay behind Jenna. He wasn't dead, I could tell that. Will had a gash on his arm and only one arrow left, Jenna had lost both of her daggers and was dodging blows of the minotaur.

"Yo, you stinking bull head!" I yelled as soon as I came in a range of five feet. I know it wasn't the smartest thing to say but I needed to grab his attention somehow. It worked. And he or it, what ever you say about the minotaur, turned around. When it's little beady eyes landed on me he started to become even more angry. Great.

It let out an angry roar and charged towards me, forgetting all about hacking Jenna to pieces. I stopped his axe as soon as it came near me and jabbed at his side before jumping back to avoid being cut in half. I watched out of the corner of my eye that Jenna started attending Neville and Will standing near them with his bow ready to shoot. But I also saw that a large group of students started to come down to where we were fighthing. I started to curse in greek, as I kept dodging blows from the minotaur. I kicked the minotaur in the chest, sending it flying back a few feet. I quiqly turned to Hermione.

"Hermione, keep the students away!" I yelled.

I turned back to the minotaur to see it standing ready to cut me in half. Everything seemed to go in slow motion, the axe going down and my sword going up. My eyes started to widen when I realised that I was to late with rising my sword. Suddenly the arm of the minotaur jerked to the left nearly missing my head, I saw a bronze arrow standing out of his arm. Will.

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