part 6

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Nico's P.O.V

It was good to see Jenna truely happy again, she always has been happy but there was always a sad look in her eyes. And for the first time in my years of knowing her it was gone.

Luckeley Care of Mythical Creatures was the last class of the day and the professor had dissmissed the class, seeing that half of the class wouldn't do anything because of what happened.

Now Will and I are sitting under a tree close to the black lake, Will lying on his back staring at the sun. Knowing him having a stare contest with his father. Hermione and Jenna sat on the grass a few meters away. They were catching up and we decidet to give them some privacy, while Will told me Leo would be joining us in a few days.

"Will you stay till the end of the school year?" I asked Will. A frown made it's way to his face.

"No Jenna and I will be staying till the cristmas break. Leo has to be back around febuari." I frowned with him. I didn't like getting seperated from him again. I left for this quest without saying goodbye because I knew I couldn't do it, not after Bianca. I don't like goodbye's before an quest, you would never know what happens.

I heard someone approacing us. I turned around to see Neville. He was holding two plates in his hands.

"Hey Neville," I greeted him, standing up and taking a plate from him. I raised a questioning eyebrow at him. He looked puzzled at first but then got it.

"You guys have missed dinner. I thought I should bring it to you." He explained. I looked at my watch and noticed it was already after dinner time. I nodded a thanks to Neville.

"We missed dinner! Why?! Why is time so cruel to us?!" I heard Jenna shout behind me. Thing you might wanna know about Jenna is that she has an obsession with dinner. Don't ask me why I have no clue.

"Relax sis, we still get to eat." Will knuckled still staring at the, now settin, sun. I knuckled with him, I can't help it. He is so cute when he knuckles.

"Wait, did you say sis? As in sister?" Hermione's voice took me out of my trance and I realised that I have been staring at Will. I shook my head getting to focus on the conversation.

"Yeah, that idiot staring at the sun is my half brother." Jenna said playfully rolling her eyes. I grinned at her and took a bite out of a chicken leg that was still in my hand. Sudenly Will and Jenna's heads snapped towarts me. Their jaws hit the ground.

"Oh my gods," Will mumbled, "He's eating something else than those dammed seeds. Please tell me I'm not dreaming." He said the last thing turning to Jenna.

Jenna brought a hand up to her arm and pinched herself painfully. "Nope you are certanly not dreaming Will." She said softly. Suddenly a pair of arms grabbed me around my waist and tilted me up, spinning while doing so. Causing me to let the plate with food fall. I looked down to see that the arms belonged to Will. He hugged me tightly to his chest while holding me above the ground. Blood rushed to my cheeks.

"You can put me down now." I mumbled awkwardly. He listened, but kept his hands on my waist.

"How?" He asked no one in particular, letting go of my waist.

"Neville," Hermione answered. "He has been pushing him to eat. Not much but every week a little bit more." When she saw all of the questioning stares she added. "I just noticed because they are always sitting near me."

I nodded exepting her answer.

"Jenna, where have you been? Why have you left? And are you a wizard?" Hermione asked all of a sudden. I could see the conflict in Jenna's eyes. She wanted to tell Hermione but that could put us in danger. She looked at me pleadingly not knowing what to do.

Nico at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now