She was coming close to my hiding spot and I wanted to pounce it was dark I knew we had some night vision but it still didn't make it any easy for her I was well camouflaged. I could hear at the distance a faint howl it was a male wolf asking to greet Veronica, it was enough to distract us. I growled loud and clear to back off finished with a aggressive howl. Shaking my fur just to release my scent a little more making it clear her mate was here too. No response was heard which was bad cause I don't know what to do especially if they wanted to meet with ones mate I've never been in this position it was up to Veronica to choose the call.

My heart was beating fast just thinking of her actually accepting and rejecting me, what if that wolf and her start dating where would that leave me? again. Veronica already found me but she was on alert seeking the other werewolf I growled at her search for him. It bothered me, its like she wants to go to him did her werewolf already refuse mine? it stung a little but nothing more.

Veronicas light blue eyes found mine, they began to brighten a little all I knew was that it made my werewolf happy; I advanced toward her keeping my head a little low she approached me licking my face that was probably a little covered from the blood of the deer. She was being a mature adult werewolf meaning she didn't come to actually be with me in that way. Veronica tugged at the fur where a mother usually carries her child taking them home, that's why she came here for me to take me home. She strutted forward as I followed right behind her, watching her from behind wasn't easy all I wanted was to be on top of her.

We were coming close to the complex just a mile away from us. I should make it clear what I want in this form, how do I even ask if she wants to be in heat only for me in wolf form as well as human ? I never paid attention to those damn classes from the pack, they taught us some mating sounds sorta like a wolf language its complicated but its not a sound more like an asking.

Walking beside her I had to risk it at least take this advantage on it, even if she called me greedy for wanting to find my mate. Just to be strong enough to ask if I had a chance with her. My body wouldn't respond to how my heart was nerve rackingly beating as well as my mind. Overthinking was getting to me it felt like I would lose hope if I didn't take this chance.

Walking slower I scuffed a low growl she turned and just watched me attempt to mate call her. She just sat their like I wasn't even courting her this sorta got me despondent and dejected from further on asking. Even if she saw me as just a pup I deserved an answer besides it takes four more years for me to gain her full height. My last option was to nibble the spot I left a red mark on her, once I got close enough I licked her snout she didn't mind it but once I nipped that spot she growled asking me to back down.

Both of us grew hostel but it didn't matter to me I'll try again, backing off two steps I scoffed a low growl again pawing the air with my right paw. I didn't want to risk the chances of her attacking me cause I know I wouldn't attack back, if she wanted to finish me I'd let her. That's how badly I wanted her, I know if she's with me she'll have to take on what she left what she wanted to leave.

Did she really not want to be with me, before she didn't know of the connection of the mating bond between us. That was my fault I wanted to meet her on my birthday believing that she would be amazed that I have at least grown enough to meet her. And here I was asking for her to be my mate knowing she'll have to wait three more years to actually mate completely. To fully mate one must be twenty that's when both sides are fully matured to take on having kids and she could already have them and be in heat whenever she wanted one. But her mate had to be strong enough to ward off challenges. Like I did with that male wolf that was far in the distance he was by now long gone.

She wasn't in heat but that guy was greeting to meet her, I wouldn't allow that. But I was blocking her chances to have that, she could have it with me but the wait, that deterred my hopes that she'll consider me qualified.

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