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P.O.V- Haile.J.L

Here I was in my living room with scattered take out, my laptop to my right and phone connected to my televisions movie system; watching something R-rated that had screams and blood and gore, just to annoy my next door neighbor. It wasn't in full blast but just enough to get to her. This might be the most juvenile thing I've ever done, well to put it in better terms, a less destructive thing I've ever done.

It was four am, on a Tuesday I decided to annoy her ever since she left. I understand she didn't want to start an argument but how else was she going to clear things? up by just ignoring me? we did just sorta meet yesterday. It displeases me to admit that here I was still awake trying to get Mrs. Lear's attention. Maybe porn would do the trick, I managed to search it up only to see some horrible thumbnail of a chick and her face appearing like she just pushed out something out, constipation. It didn't even appeal to me but the moans would at least get Mrs. Lear to question what I was up to.

Pressing play I got my headphones and phone leaving my living room and heading straight to my bedroom, I wasn't going to watch it, it was going to be a long night for Mrs. Lear. A devious smirk played on my lips as I closed my bedroom door. I could hear the girls moans far to exaggerated then what was really needed. I placed my headphones on and played any song on my playlist, it didn't matter which song as long as it blocked out the moans. With that I slept like a rock.

Waking up to my music I turned it off hearing the faint sound of moans, well that girl just climaxed. Walking out to my living room I turned it off seeing as I wasn't going to see it. Hope Mrs. Lear had a good sleep. After that noise I doubt she did.

Walking to the kitchen already set for school. Once at the kitchen I had to remind myself that a plate of food wasn't going to be their. I only had twenty minutes it wasn't enough time to prepare anything. Besides the walk to school I had to do, I hadn't yet gotten my drivers license which was a must if I wanted to get home and to school on time. These were the unpropitious circumstances of living alone, having no adult to take you to and fro the highlight to my dilemma.

Locked up my front door ready to begin my walk. I made my way to the elevator only to see Mrs. Lear waiting for the elevator to arrive. I couldn't contain myself from contemplating on the attire of my Art History teacher; which consisted of a white suit jacket, and a black pencil skirt that reveled her sexy calves with red heels giving her a great view from behind. Walking slow as possible just so I could brazenly ogle at her. I unconsciously licked my lips, wondering how could I have missed the chances of flirting with her on Monday before I even knew she was my mate.

As I came to stand next to her, ignoring her and focusing on my phone as if I had not just shamelessly checked her out seconds ago. Even if I wanted to check the front.

Mrs. Lear's stare was burning on me I could feel it, but pretending like we were strangers worked for me. I didn't have the grit to look at her directly, not after last nights pandemonium. I would not have perceived that I'd have to face her this early on in the morning. I had to make note to one get my drivers license, two wait for her to leave first and last but not least avoid thinking too much, it made me feel like I was growing deranged spending my time overthinking things. I needed a distraction.

Stepping in the elevator was torment for my nose I could smell her perfume it was invigorating compelling in a way that I wondered how others could resist her. This exaggeration was way to much, but what other way could I describe the lust that she cast on me.

Hearing Mrs. Lear sigh, clearly I riled her up simply by ignoring her. If she was going to do the same I'll do it tenfold. She wasn't the only one to act like what she said didn't affect me cause she was sorely mistaken. Exiting the elevator I didn't bother bidding my good byes to the desk secretary; not when I was doing the silent treatment with Mrs. Lear.

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