Chapter 12

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Ashton's P.O.V

Its Christmas Eve and I still haven't gotten a present for Paris or Lauren. I was going to give Paris mom something but I cant now. But now I'm driving to the mall to buy something for the girls. I don't know what I'll get for Paris but hopefully I'll find something.

When I got to the mall, I parked my car and walked inside. I decided to look for Lauren's gift first. But it would also be hard to find since I don't really know what she likes either since she has been stuck in the hospital plus I never asked her what she really liked. I sighed and looked around trying to think what girls really like.

I walked past store by store, I didn't want to buy clothes because I didn't think they would like it. I looked at some jewelry but none catched my attention to get the girls.

As I turned the corner, I halted and glared at the familiar guy who was a few steps away from me. Anger boiled through my blood for what he did to Paris. I walked up to him, tapped him on the shoulder. When he turned around and I got so much strength, I punched him in the face.

"What the fuck!" He yelled. People were staring at us but I didn't give a fuck, he deserved it.

"You fucking deserved it asshole." I said then walked away.

As I was walking I shook my wrist slightly, I looked at it and a bruise was already forming. I just left it alone, hopefully Paris won't see it.

I continued to search for something but I don't know what they would like. I sighed, I'm the worst brother/boyfriend.

I sat down and just looked at what's around me. My eyes landed at some stand thing that they give things away.  It was a bit far but I could still read it.

'Want to travel the world?' It said. I stared at it for a few more minutes until I remembered from Paris' bucket list. She wanted to travel around. I could try and see how much it is, hopefully I can get tickets. Maybe I can try and get Lauren tickets too.

I got up and walked to the stand thing.

"Hello there." Some guy said smiling at me. I read his name tag and it said Luke.

"Hi." I smiled back.

"How much does this cost?" I asked the Luke.

"It's 400$" he said, and I frown. I don't have 400$.

"Oh um never mind I only 100$ but thanks." I said and was about to walk away. What was I thinking, this wasn't gonna be cheap, but I was hoping it would be.

"Wait!" I heard the blonde boy yell.

I turned around and looked at him. "Yea?" I asked.

"How many tickets do you need?" He asked, and I raised an eyebrow at him, "I can't buy it I only have 100$" I told him again.

"Just tell me how many tickets you need." He said.

"Um I wanted 4" I said and he nodded.

He walked back to where stand thing was, he went behind it and went to pull something out. Soon he came back and handed me 4 tickets.

"I-I can't take this." I said trying to push it towards him.

"Come on take it. It's Christmas, well tomorrow is and it looks like you really need it." He smiled, giving it to me.

I excitedly accepted it, "Thank you so much!" I smiled. I would hug him but that's weird.

"Merry Christmas to you and hope you have a wonderful day!" I told him.

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