Chapter 2

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Paris P.O.V

"I can't believe you!" I screamed at Jordan.

He doesn't answer back though, we have been arguing for an hour and all he said was he's sorry, and nothing else, but he doesn't look sorry.


He just rolled his eyes, "how many times do I have to say I'm sorry."

"Don't lie, I know when your lying, why did you do it. Why did you cheat. Do you not love me anymore." I asked sadly, as tears rolled down my face.

He just stayed silent, not looking at me, and it shattered my heart into million of pieces.

'He doesn't love me anymore' I thought.

"I'm sorry Paris but I don't. Everything is different now, and I just can't be seen with you." He said.

My heart broke even more, I couldn't say anything, I just watched him leave.

As soon as the door closed, I let everything out.

I can't believe him, all the lies when he said everything would be OK and that he was always gonna be by my side no matter what.

I don't know why I thought I would stay, I'm an embarrassment.

I have no one to help me now, how am going to eat, put myself on the bed.

I rolled my chair to where my phone is and dialed my mom's number.

"Hello dear"

"Hi mom" I said trying hard not to sound like I was crying. But it's too late she knows me to well to know that I've been crying.

"Paris hunny what's wrong?"

"Jordan broke up with me, he doesn't want to be seen with me, mom I'm an embarrassment, no one is going to want to be seen with me." I cried.

"Paris, don't say that! You are not an embarrassment, you are a beautiful woman. You didn't deserve what Jordan did to you. Please baby girl, don't think that you are an embarrassment because one stupid boy couldn't be seen with you. You got it."

"Yes mom." I told her, glad that I got to talk to her.

We kept talking for a while, not about Jordan anymore.

It's going to take some time to forget about him, we've been together since freshman year. But I will try.


It's been three months since I've talked and seen Jordan. I miss him alot, and I've tried to get over him but I'm going to need a lot more time.

Right now I'm at the store buying some food. Since I don't have Jordan to help me, my mom is at my house helping me with things. She is going to cook dinner later but I'm getting the food, I don't want her to do everything.

I'm trying to reach for the rice, but since I'm in a chair, my arms don't reach the bottom. A worker walked by, so I tired to call for help.

"Excuse me sir, may you please help me with th- and he's gone." I say as he walks by, ignoring.

I asked another man that walked by but he ignored me too, people are so rude.

"Might as well do this myself" I told myself.

I backed the chair a little bit so that I'm not so close. I bent down as far as I could. I still couldn't reach, so I took of the seat belt around my waist, with my hands I slowly moved myself forward a little bit.

I must have not notice that I was sliding of the chair since I was close to the edge, but I felt my chair moved backwards a little and I fell forward towards the floor, almost hitting my head against the shelf on the bottom.

I groaned out in pain as I landed on my arm. I tried turning myself over with my legs since my other arm was busy holding the other one, but it was no use, I'm stuck like this till someone notices me, that's if they don't walk away and ignore me.

"Oh my God" I heard someone say.

"Are you ok?" They asked coming closer, its a guy. I stayed quiet because I'm not sure if he is talking to me.

I felt someone put their hands on my waist and helped me up. I slowly grabbed the shelves to help me stay steady so that I don't fall. I turned myself slowly hoping that I won't fall. After I fully turned myself around, my hands still holding onto the shelves, I looked up, my eyes meeting a pair of hazel ones. I stared at the boy that stood in front of me.

'Whoa' I thought.

"Thank you for helping me" I told him.

"You're welcome" He smiled, showing his dimples, but then his smile turned to a frown, "but are alright, you hit your arm pretty hard."

"I'm fine" I lied, my arm hurts like hell, but soon the pain well go away so I'm not worried.

"Are you sure love?" He asked.

'Can he get any cuter? Calling me love, showing his concern, and his thick Australian accent is just... wow...'

"I'm positive. And again thank you." I told him.

"Uh, can you please help me to my chair?" I asked awkwardly as my legs started shaking and feeling weak.

He nodded and grabbed both my hands, leading me towards my chair. He helped me sit down.

"You know, if you wanted something, you could've asked." He told me.

"I did but they ignored me and just kept walking."

"Oh, I'm sorry... I can help you since I'm here now. What is it that you need?"

"I just need rice." I told him.

He nodded and grabbed the bag of rice.

"Thank you..."

"I'm Ashton" He smiled, holding out his hand.

"I'm Paris" I told him, grabbing his hand to shake it.

"Parris? I've never met someone with that name. its very beautiful."

I blushed, no one has ever complimented about my name before, not even Jordan... Jordan, just thinking about him made me frown. I wish we were still together.

"Are you alright Paris?" He asked me breaking me out of my thoughts.

"What... Oh yea I'm fine, and thank you, I like your name too, its really nice" I told him, realizing what I just said, I started blushing.

"Thank you" He said chuckling a little, rubbing the back of his neck.

"So, um yea, I got to go now" I told him, getting nervous for some reason.

"Yea me too, well goodbye, hope to see you again." He said smiling.

"Me too" I smiled back. I kept staring at him as he started to walk away... Wow I'm weird.

I pressed the button that rolls my chair towards the cash register and paid for the rice. And made my way home. As I was heading home, I was thinking, there's no way he wants to see me again, I mean just look at me, like Jordan said I'm an embarrassment.

I sighed and tried to forget about him, no one is going to love me. At least I have my mom to be there for me.

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