Chapter 5

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Paris' P.O.V

We driven for about 9 hours and we still have about 3 more to go. I'm getting pretty tired but I don't want Ashton to stay up alone. We spent 12 hours in the car, the only time we stop was to put gas. Its almost 12 in the morning and I think we should stop and rest.

"Paris, you should sleep, you look really tired." Ashton spoke, breaking the silence.

"Are you sure? I don't want to leave you awake on your own." I told him.

"I'm fine Paris, I'm just going to find the house and hopefully if it is the house, I'll drive and look for a hotel." He told me.

I nodded still not wanting to leave him awake alone but I couldn't fight my eyes to keep them open. I laid my chair backwards and fell asleep.


"Paris, wake up." I heard someone say.

I didn't open my eyes since I was still asleep.

"Come on Paris, we're here at the hotel." I heard Ashton say.

"Just 5 more minutes." I groaned.

He let out a chuckle, and I think he went out of the car. Is he leaving me all alone here where there's many people?

Before I could continue thinking, I heard my side of the door open. I felt someone lean over me, it must be Ashton since it smells like him plus I don't think anyone else would take my seat belt off and carry me bridal style.

"Do you want me to take your wheel chair or leave it?" Ashton asked.

"Just leave it." I mumbled sleepily, snuggling really close to his chest.

"Ok" I heard him say.

He started walking to wherever it is we are, Ashton said it was some hotel.

I guess we had entered since I felt the cold air hit my skin and I heard Ashton talking to some lady. I felt him move his hand, probably to get something. After that, he started walking again, it felt that we were walking upstairs for a while, till I heard a door open. It was really cold in here, and I started to shiver a lot.

Ashton must have noticed because once he laid me down, he covered me with the blanket.

"I'm going to the car to get out stuff." Ashton whispered around me.

"Ok" I mumbled, going back into deep sleep.

15 minutes later, I heard the door open and stuff being put down. I slowly opened my eyes and peaked around and saw Ashton fixing our bags by the table.

He took his shirt off. I just roamed my eyes on his tan skin chest (creepy I know, but I cant help it) and when he turned around I closed my eyes quickly and acted like I was sleeping.

I saw that Paris." I heard him say.

I didn't say anything, I pretend to still be asleep and not know what he was talking about.

"Come on Paris, I know you're awake." I heard him coming closer.

I still pretended to sleep, but I heard foot steps coming towards my way so I didn't move. But I felt Ashton poke my side over and over and I'm really ticklish so I had to bite my tongue so I wouldn't make a noise.

But then he started to tickling me and I shrieked.

"Ashton stop" I kept laughing.

He stopped and we kept staring at each other for a while, not saying anything. And I swear I saw Ashton leaning closer towards me.

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