Chapter 4 - Kevin

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Kevin's arm snaked out and grabbed the girl's arm before she could storm off and leave him.

His fingers felt like they were burning through her, the heat and electricity between them catching him by surprise.

Her body jerked at his grasp, then she stared at him in disbelief, her face morphing into a pinched expression of offense.

"Get your fucking hands off me!" she said, her voice full and sharp, but the lasers of her eyes were softened by the beginning of tears in them.

Still, he dropped her arm like a hot potato, then he held his arms up in defensive surrender, but he knew his stance communicated his intent to keep her there a moment longer.

His eyes took in her polo shirt and khakis and he immediately figured that she had just left work—no chick wore polos and khakis out in public unless she was on a golf course or on a job. And by the look on her face, she was devastated, so she probably just got sent home, or worse, fired.

The details were little to go on, but he was satisfied with his guess; either way, she was clearly having a shitty day, and the main reasons for such distress were usually work and romantic relationships.

He knew where to go from there.

He tried to keep his eyes from her beautifully-shaped luscious lips and ignored the curiosity poking him about what it would be like to kiss them and said, "Listen, I know this is kind of a weird time and place, but I hire a lot of people on gut instinct, and my gut says you might be able to help me out—that we might be able to help each other out, in fact."

It wasn't exactly true, but none of what he was about to tell her was.

"I couldn't help but notice your work clothes," he continued, energized that she had remained in place and was looking at him with slight interest, "and I could be way off base here, but I suspect you might be on the job market, and I recently got an unexpected opening; I might have a job for you."

He watched her eyes slowly and deliberately travel over him, from head to toe and back up again.

Luckily, he looked every bit the wealthy man he was, so there had to be no doubt he was a job provider.

"Thanks, but I don't do that kind of stuff," she said flatly.

Then she turned as if to leave again.

He almost reached for again, but he let his voice do the grabbing.

"I'm sorry—what kind of stuff? I haven't told you anything about the position yet," he said, infusing his tone with authority.

"Escort or whatever it is you think you can use my body for," she said, turning back to him but not looking at him.

He put on his most formal, all-business voice.

"I assure you—the work I have in mind is less...glamorous than what you're thinking. Do you have any experience as a domestic worker?"

He watched her entire manner change.

Her body sagged, but along with the relief emanating from her was something else.


Well, a job offer for domestic work wasn't exactly thrilling for most people, and he felt kind of bad for deflating her, but he had to ease her somehow and get her off guard; he needed her not to see him as a perv, and if implying all she was good for was to help out in the home, so be it.

Still, she looked hesitant.

She was certainly a ball of negative emotions, and he hoped to see what her smile looked like soon.

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