Chapter 1 - Naomi

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Hot, smelly breath on her face slowly woke Naomi up, then the pressure on her body finally registered, jarring her wide awake.

Someone was on top of her.

She started struggling and two rough-skinned hands were immediately on her wrists, limiting her movement.

Just as she was about to scream, one large hand found its way to her mouth, muffling the beginning of it, so she bit the hand hard.

A stinging slap stunned her for a few moments, giving her attacker time to reposition himself, and before she knew it, he had planted himself between her legs and started working on removing her panties.

"Jenna!" she screamed, now that her mouth was free, horror and fear merging into a blood-curdling sound, and soon she heard her roommate's footsteps running toward her room.

Her light flicked on, and she caught a glimpse of Jenna's horrified pale face before her green eyes snapped around the room as she looked around for the nearest viable weapon.

Then Jenna grabbed the nearest lamp and brought it down on the head of the strange man on top of her.

The man collapsed immediately, successfully knocked out cold, and Naomi shoved him off of her to the ground, breathing hard and fast as adrenaline continued coursing through her.

The intruder had gotten so close!

"Call 911!" Jenna reminded her, and Naomi fumbled around for her phone to make the call.

Once the operator answered, she spilled the events of the past few minutes, begging them to send the cops soon; she didn't know how long it would be before the guy regained consciousness.

But Jenna had her wits about her and was already working on makeshift restraints, tying one of the assailant's arms to the foot of the bed using a piece of clothing, then working on the other.

"Not the best knots, but it'll take some time for him to wriggle free if he wakes up before they get here."

Naomi nodded, still stunned by what had just happened.

"Who the heck is he?" she demanded after a few heart-pounding moments, her blood rushing so hard and fast, she could almost hear it.

Then it dawned on her.

She stared at Jenna accusatorially.

"Did you bring him home with you?"

Jenna shifted, looking guilty and sheepish.

"Yeah," she said softly, then more firmly, she said, "Naomi, I would have never brought him home with me if I thought he'd do this. I'm so sorry! I don't know what got into him. We had fallen asleep, and I was right there if he needed some more relief. I mean, damn—we did it twice!"

Naomi held up her hand.

"I don't want to hear any more of that right now. We'll talk about this later, once he's out of here."

"Are you gonna try to get him charged?"

"Of course! He can't get away with this! Who knows if he's done this before? And if he gets away scot-free, he most certainly will try to do it again. He has to answer for this."

"But do you think anything'll happen?" Jenna asked.

Naomi suddenly realized her roommate's eyes were glistening.

Then she remembered a possible reason why.

She was there when Jenna herself was assaulted by a new member of their group home, and nothing really came of it.

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