Chapter 83

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"I figured you'd be out here." Camila teased as she walked out of the front door and saw Lauren sitting in one of the chairs on the little porch, one leg pulled up to her chest while she fiddled with her camera. "I also figured you would have your camera as well."

Lauren beamed and set it down on the little table next to her before she called Camila over. "Well, you got all of my attention yesterday, so it's only fair it gets a little of mine today. Besides, I do need to take pictures so we can remember this time better in the future." The brunette explained as she wrapped her arms around Camila who sat down in her lap and sipped her coffee. "Can I have a sip?"

"No." Camila answered flatly, pulling her mug away from the brunette's hands. "There's no creamer in it and I don't want to hear you complain."

"God, I love this marriage thing. It makes you so much more comfortable with bossing me around."

"Do I detect a hinge of sarcasm in your voice?"

"Nooooo." Lauren teased back, the word dripping with sarcasm which earned her a narrowed glare.

"You think you're cute, but you're not." Camila stated before taking a sip of her coffee and looked out over the beach.

"Am I not?"

The diva shook her head as Lauren wrapped her arms tighter around her. "Nope. You're frickin adorable is what you are."

The brunette laughed lightly and pressed her lips to Camila's shoulder, inhaling her light scent through her nose. This is what it could be like every day for the rest of her life. She had found a woman who knew her, inside and out, and accepted her. Camila got her. She seemed to know exactly when to take offense and when to let things just slide away. Lauren wasn't naive, she knew there were going to be stressful times when they would fight or not be able to see eye to eye, having to compromise. But as long as she could remember times like this, then she knew they could always work things out, opening the line of communication again.

"There's a little shop just down the road. I thought we could walk there this morning and pick up a few things." Camila stated, interrupting the brunette's thoughts. "I really like this small, beach side, fishermen type community. It's like time stands still here."

"Time is kept by the changing of the tides, not the clock."

"Exactly. You and your poetic mind. I'll never get enough of it."

"That's good." Lauren retorted, moving her lips to the back of the diva's neck. "Because you're kind of stuck with it now."


"I know, right? Like I'm stuck with your nagging now."

"Guess it's a good thing you don't mind it then, huh?"



"One thing I hate about the summer time," Kim began mumbling under her breath as she brought up another box into their new apartment. "Is the heat. Baby, it's already getting hot in here can you open the windows? See if we can get a breeze. I'm going to slip something cooler on."

"Certainly. Then I'll be up to help you slip out of that shirt."

Kim stopped at the staircase before heading up to the two bedrooms and narrowed her eyes at her girlfriend playfully. "Your mother is here."

Meg shrugged. "She's down stairs packing up your records. And judging by home many you have and how many memories they are bringing back for her, she's liable to be there for a while."

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