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Diana's POV: 

You know it's truly over when you miss the memories and not the person... 

That's the quote I was living by once I got back home. Whether it applies to me or not, I've been slowly trying to figure it out. I asked myself, 'Was it Ian I missed or the times I had with him? Which was the thing that made me want to take a plane back to his arms?' I decided in the end to just forget trying to look for an answer and just focus on making me happy. I'm pretty happy. Can't complain about much. 

After being 3 months away, Kalel convinced me to come back for the holidays and start helping her plan for her wedding. She said that I am the maid of honor and I should help her for the planning stress. In the end, I just decided to move there. Got myself a nice apartment. Went into college to start my process of being a doctor. It's been going well. 

"Are you leaving us for good?" My mother pouted in a way that made me smile.  

"Never." I smile. "I'll visit, but I'm starting again. College life and my life, more importantly." 

"You'll do great and I'll make sure your mom doesn't cry like when you went to school for the first time." He snorted. My mom slapped his arm, which made us laugh more. We just hugged each other, feeling my parent's kisses on the top of my head. 

"We're proud of you, honey." My mom whispered in my ear. 

I've dated here and there. Never went into a full blown relationship. I've been focusing more on my studies and helping Kalel prepare. She freaks out easily. Getting late night calls about wedding plans gone wrong and me helping her in a whim. Then she becomes super grateful and says sorry more than she needs to. But I don't mind, she's helped me more than anyone has and I'll be eternally grateful for the rest of my life because of her. She's my best friend. 

My phone ringing from across the room interrupted my intense study session. I sigh, dropping my pen and getting up. I look at who's calling me and smirk at the name. Kalel. 

"Hello?" I say casually. 

"I'm Having A Crisis." She said nervously. 

I put my phone on speaker and look at the time 1:28 am. "Shouldn't you be sleeping?" I say, slipping on a pair of sneakers and fixing my hair into a messy high pony tail. "Shouldn't you?" She snapped back. 

I quietly laugh it off, closing my books and turning off my desk lamp and I search for my car keys. I stay quiet waiting for her to tell me what's wrong. "I'm sorry...I just...wedding problems..." She mutters shamefully. 

"I'll be there in 20 minutes." I say as I walk out of my apartment door and to my car. 

"Thank you, Diana." 

Joven and I...well, we didn't exactly work out. 

I slip on Joven's shirt that was thrown on the floor and try to comb my messy hair with my fingers. I walk out of the dimly lit room and my eyes slowly adjust to the brightness of the apartment. The first thing I see is a shirtless Joven watching TV on the couch. I smile softly, walking over to him.

"Hey." He muttered softly.

"Morning." I said as I sat on his lap, straddling him.

"Afternoon." He corrected with a smile, resting his hands on my thighs.

"Really?" I asked, shocked. He nods. "You let me sleep in?" He nods again.

"I bought pizza." He said, knowing that I love it so much. I smile, patting his cheek. "Good Joven."

I give him a small kiss on the lips and he returns it happily. Although, something felt different about him. I pulled away, our lips only a few inches apart and I muttered against his lips while looking in his eyes, "What's wrong?"

Loving MemoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora