Falling Back Again

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Ian's POV: 

We all sat in the car in silence. We arrived in Sacramento not too long ago and we're on our way home. I was driving to Kalel's house to drop her and Anthony there. Diana and I haven't been in exactly great terms ever since the Smosh fan incident. Am I upset? Yes. It's what she said that has got me thinking: "If you think I don't have a chance with Ian, what makes you think that you will?" What did she mean by that? Was she really with me because I'm from Smosh? Is she trying to show off that she won and she's with me? I mean...we haven't even made our relationship public. 

I slowly stop in front of Kalel's house. They both got out of the back seat and Anthony went to get their suitcases out. Diana and I sat there in silence, the only noise was the rustling from the trunk by Anthony. I could tell that Diana wasn't okay. She's been extra quiet since yesterday. She tries to act okay, but I see right through it. 

"Thanks for the ride. We'll see you tomorrow." Anthony said with a wave. Followed by Kalel. Diana and I waved back. I pulled out of the space from their house and drive to the Smosh house. We didn't say a word to each other. I just kept my eyes on the road. I could see her stealing glances at me. She's trying to read me. 

I park inside the garage of the house. I get out of the car, mumbling a quick: "I'm getting our suitcases." I hear Diana getting out of the car and going in the house. I sigh, opening the trunk and just staring at our suitcases. I feel like an ass. What should I do? I grab our suitcases and slamming the trunk close. I pull them into the house mine in my room and hers in her room. I start looking for her and see her sitting on the counter in the kitchen. She was staring blankly at the wall in front of her. 

I step in front of her putting my hands on her thighs, "Are you okay?" Really? We obviously know the answer to that. Is that the best I can do? 

She gave me a weak smile, along with a nod and hopped off the counter. She started to walk away from me, but I stopped her. "The truth." As I said that, her smile faded slowly. She sighed. 

"Are you angry at me?" She said in a weak voice. 

My mood dropped when I realized what was wrong. She's upset because she thinks I'm angry at her. I'm making her more upset by not talking. I sigh and grabbed her hand, pulling her to the couch. 

"I think we both know what's wrong with us." I say quietly. 

"I'm sorry." She whispers, her voice shaking and looking down. Not daring to look at me. I was about to speak until she interrupted me. "I didn't want you to know the whole conversation between me and that girl. I know you didn't hear it all, but I didn't want you to think that all Smosh fans are bad." She rambled out. 

I look at her confused. There's more? I put 2 fingers under her chin, making her look at me. "What are you talking about, Diana?" She sighed, looking away from me. She looked angry with herself. She looked at me and sighed. She opened her mouth and started explaining everything that happened yesterday with the Smosh fan. 

I just listened to her. I felt so stupid. I quickly assumed that she was the bad one when I didn't even hear the whole conversation. Stupid Ian. I've been making her feel worse. She just wanted to defend the Smosher's name. "Ian..." I snapped out of my thoughts to see her looking at me expectantly. "I asked if you are still mad at me." She said quietly. 

I hugged her suddenly, feeling her getting caught back at my suddenness. "I shouldn't have been mad at you in the first place. You don't need to be sorry. I should've listened." She sighed out breath of relief, hugging me back. 

"Don't blame yourself. You didn't know." She whispered in my ear. 

"Yea, dummy, I didn't because you didn't tell me." I say in a joking childlike voice, while flicking her forehead. She giggles. Finally seeing a true smile today. I smile. "And don't be sorry." I tell her. 

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