Chapter Seven: Road Trip Blues

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I hate the fact that I abandoned this story for like seven months.

Mycroft pulled up in front of 221B and looked over at Greg to call Sherlock and John. Greg nodded dialing John's number, he knew Sherlock well enough to know he wouldn't answer. The phone rang twice and John answered.

"Hello?" He didn't sound fully awake and Greg couldn't help but feel a little annoyed by that.

"We're here." Lestrade didn't return the greeting.

"Okay, we'll be down in five minutes." Was all John yawned before hanging up.

Lestrade sighed and looked over at Mycroft who was quietly drinking his tea from his travel mug. He noticed how distant Mycroft had become once they were in the car and he was sure it was Mycroft's way of prepping himself for when Sherlock came. Mycroft sighed and watched boredly as Sherlock and John walked out of their flat with their bags in their hands. Lestrade felt his body stiffen as he moved a bit more away from Mycroft trying his best not to be obvious.

John and Sherlock entered the car after cramming their bags in the boot. Lestrade muttered a greeting suppressing a yawn while doing so. Mycroft didn't even look back at his brother he just started the car and pulled out of his spot entering traffic. He could hear them putting on their seat belts and settling into their spots. Lestrade was tempted to turn on the radio, but that would be a sign of comfort to Sherlock so he refrained himself.

"How did you sleep, Lestrade?" Sherlock inquired and Greg maintained his calm demeanor even though he was panicking on the inside.

"Fine, waking up on the other hand." Greg chuckled, "i didn't know your brother was showing up so early I nearly forgot my bags."

Sherlock hummed as if he wanted to say something else but didn't. John watched the two with worried eyes. Sherlock sat still watching Greg as Mycroft made a turn and Greg felt his chest burn with anxiety. Mycroft switched on the radio and a soft melody played throughout the car making Greg relax just a small bit.


The long stretch of road that was once ahead of them had disappeared as they drove past a small town with country houses scattered throughout it. Greg was drifting to sleep his head resting on the window the soft hum of the heater lulled him to sleep. John was snoring behind him completely dead to the world.

Lestrade could hear Sherlock and Mycroft bickering softly to one another and he couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle seeing how ridiculous the two were being. Even during the holiday they found something to argue about.

"We should be there soon and maybe mother can put some sense into you." Sherlock scowled and Mycroft glared at him from his mirror.

"Mother will agree with me." Mycroft made another turn.

Greg felt his body drifting and he jerked from the sudden change. Both men looked at him as if he was a bother and then returned to bickering. Greg waited for his heart rate to slow down and settled into his seat once again. Mycroft sent him a quick look of concern before masking it with indifference. Greg rolled his neck acting like he hadn't caught the look.

Mycroft pulled up into his parents drive way revealing a lovely cottage surrounded by nothing but green land. Greg couldn't believe that such analytical, cold men grew up somewhere almost identical to him. Mycroft shut off the car and Sherlock shook john gently waking him up.

They all exited the car and Lestrade let out a groan as he stretched. Mycroft grabbed his bags out of the boot of the car and handed Lestrade his bags. Sherlock watched them looking for some type of sign of a relationship Greg was sure of it. John yawned and started towards the house dragging Sherlock with him.

Mycroft shut the boot and started towards the house Lestrade on his tail. The house looked empty if it weren't for the few lights that glowed against the gloomy winter afternoon. Lestrade noticed initials carved into the mailbox of the Holmes that happened to be Sherlock and Mycroft's he smiled fondly at it before continuing his journey behind Mycroft.

Sherlock knocked on the door and in a matter of minutes their mother appeared in front with a smile on her face. Greg instantly liked her, she had a down to earth charm about her yet something behind her eyes was incredibly aware of her surroundings. He knew that she was who the boys got their smarts fun without even having to meet their father.

"My boys, please come in come in." She pulled Sherlock and Mycroft into a hug while John and Lestrade entered the warm home.

Both boys reluctantly hugged back and Greg frowned knowing well enough that affection was not entirely alien to the boys. John shrugged off his coat and hung it on the coat rake grabbing Lestrade's after hanging his own. Lestrade murmured a thank you and Mrs.Holmes finally pulled away giving both men their space. She hugged John and shook Greg's hand formally.

"Gregory Lestrade, I work with your sons." He smiled and a grin appeared on her face, "thank you for having me."

"Glad that someone is looking out for these two besides John." She squeezed his hand softly before letting go.

"Mother." Sherlock scoffed and she gave him a pointed look.

"Myc, could you show Greg to his room?" She looked over at her eldest.

"It's Mycroft mother." He frowned, "I don't understand why you insist on such a silly nickname."

She shook her head ignoring his statement, "Sherlock go show John his room."

Lestrade followed Mycroft towards one of the many rooms in the medium sized house. Mycroft opened one of the doors revealing a cozy looking guest room with hand knitted quilts and wooden night stands. Lestrade thanked him with a small wink and entered the room putting his bags on his bed. Mycroft made his way towards his own room which was right across the hall from Greg's room.

Sherlock walked past Greg's room giving him a look he couldn't read before entering John's room. Greg sighed regretting his decision already. Mycroft looked over at him from across the hall and gave him a soft smile before shutting his door. Greg huffed shutting his door and taking a seat on the soft mattress. He laid back hoping this holiday went by smoothly.

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