Chapter Three: The Wrong Guy

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Do you guys have ice coffee and ice tea in the UK?? Very important question here?

Mycroft watched his baby brother boredly, Sherlock was rather troubled at the moment with another one of his cases that Mycroft could care less about. Sherlock sighed taking a seat on the floor going into his mind palace, Mycroft felt his phone buzz and he took it out his pocket no longer paying attention to his younger brother. Sherlock had stopped by claiming he needed a file for a case but Mycroft wanted for sure proof that he needed it.

Greg: My parents say you can come by for the holiday, my older brother and sister will be there with my nieces and nephews.

Mycroft: Lovely, I'm still thinking of a way to make Sherlock invite you.

Mycroft put his phone back into his pocket as Sherlock shot up. Mycroft rolled his eyes ready for Sherlock to start rambling. He only told Sherlock he wanted legit proof to mess with his brother he was now entirely too annoyed to actually hear what his brother was going to say about some minor case he couldn't care less about.

"Here." He tossed Sherlock the file.

Sherlock took it giving his brother a suspicious squint, "I didn't even explain."

"I don't care for an explanation." Mycroft leaned back in his chair with his lips in a thin line.

"Odd." Sherlock murmured eyeing his brother suspiciously.

"I need a favor." Mycroft sighed leaning forward and watching his brother intently.

"Figures." Sherlock rolled his eyes.

"Gregory Rupert Lestrade, you work with him, yes?" Mycroft raised an eyebrow.

"Lestrade? Yes I work with him, why do you ask?" Sherlock knew nothing good was going to come from this favor.

"I need him to go undercover for one of my cases, but I'm not sure I can trust him just yet." Mycroft stood up buttoning his suit,"I need to learn more about him in person. "

"And what do you want me to do about that?" Sherlock muttered as he flipped through the file Mycroft had given him earlier.

"Invite him somewhere he wouldn't go." Mycroft leaned against his desk knowing that this was exactly how he would trick Sherlock into letting his boyfriend spend Christmas with them, "somewhere he'd be uncomfortable."

"Mother's house." Was the first words that escaped Sherlock's mouth, "I'll invite him for Christmas dinner."

"Really?" Mycroft was surprised Sherlock was willing to do so.

"Don't be too flattered, it's my debt for this file." Sherlock scowled.

"Pleasure doing business with you, brother." Mycroft hummed satisfied.

Sherlock said nothing else as he walked out of the room leaving Mycroft to bask in his glory. He shut his office door behind his brother and locked it making sure he wouldn't be intruded. He moved away from the door and dialed Gregory's number.

"Plan 'Meeting' is in motion." Mycroft said before Gregory could even mutter a hello.

"Great, I'll give you the update later." Lestrade hummed hanging up his phone.

Mycroft smiled knowing that he was in the right relationship. He stuffed his phone in his pocket taking a seat in his chair once again. He couldn't wipe the smile off of his face, he was just glad that the plan is in action and is actually working.

Sherlock looked over at John who was watching him from across the room. Sherlock glared at his best friend clutching his bow from his violin. John sighed thinking about what Sherlock had told him, they both obviously didn't believe that Mycroft needed Gregory for a mission but for something more personal.

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