Introducing The Boys

Start from the beginning

"Wake! Up!" They shout in unison, jumping on the bed.

"Ugh. Okay fine I'm up you retards." I sit up.

"You told me to get you up at 9:30. So I got you up." Liam says, sitting next to me.

"I'm tired." I say in a kids voice.

"Yea. I realized. When I tried waking you up the first time, you whacked me in the face." He chuckles.

"What? Really? I don't even remember that. Oops." I admit.

"Yea. You weren't all there really. Did you know you talk in your sleep?" He says.

"I do? Maybe that's why Laney always laughs when we wake up." I say in realization.

"Laney?" He asks. I look around for Lou, but don't see him anywhere.

"My friend." I state

"Oh." He says.

"Do you want breakfast?" He offers.

"Are you really asking me this?" I ask rhetorically.

"Okay. I'll go make breakfast." He smiles.

"Thank you Liam." I smile sweetly.

"No problem." He says, walking out and shutting the door. I take this time to ring my mum.

"Hey sweetie." She answers cheerfully.

"Hey mum." I smile at her tone. She's always happy.

"How was last night?" She asks and I can practically see the smirk on her face.

"Well, if you must know, I slept in the guest room and then I had a nightmare and Liam came in and slept with me the rest of the night. Oh and apparently I beat the Fifa master. Also known as Lou." I say chuckling.

"Awe that's sweet of Liam. And I think everyone knows you're the Fifa master. I don't know a single person that can beat you." She says.

"I know right. They couldn't believe it when I beat him. You should've seen their faces. Then Lou went to bed after that. But we're all getting along. Except maybe Niall 'cause I kinda ate his lucky charms and Oreos. I gotta go get him some more." I say, making a mental note to do that.

"Well I'm heading to work now. You have fun." She says. She's a nurse at the hospital.

"Okay. Bye mum, love you." I say.

"Bye. Love you too." She says and hangs up. I walk to the bathroom. I find a brush, probably Zayn's, and brush my hair. Shh, he doesn't need to know about this. I make sure I look fine, and quietly walk down the stairs. I stop when I hear voices. I need to get over this habit of eavesdropping. Okay, this is the last time.

"I don't know. She just seems different. She's fun and funny. Really funny. And just. Just perfect." I hear Liam's voice say. Eh. He's probably talking about Dani. I know they're not together but I can tell he likes her. I think everyone can.

"I know mate. I know." I hear another voice, Zayn's maybe?

"I just. I don't know. I really like her." Liam admits. Okay that's enough eavesdropping. For now. No, stop it Megan. No more eavesdropping. None. Well, maybe once-No! None!

"Hey guys. What's cookin?" I ask, walking in. They separate and start to act weird. Okay then. Strange boys they are. Hehe, I sound like Yoda. Yoda I am. Okay, snap out of it.

I raise an eyebrow and look at both of them, then just shake my head.

"Uhm there's pretty much everything. I figured with you and Niall I better make more food than usual." He says. I look over at all the food. Holy mother of sweet Jesus. I'm in heaven. There's sausage, eggs, biscuits, gravy, ham, pancakes, bacon. Everything! Maybe I should stick around for a while. I load up a plate and sit at the table.

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