Assist Arthur

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The Façade of 1728
Chapter Thirty-One
Arthur's Ending

[Character dedicated to: FelicianoVargas_ ]

I knew what I had to do. I had to assist Arthur in fighting everyone so that everyone could be safe.

However, before I could wish away the enemies, I watched the guy with the beard stab through Justin's chest.

I was stunned and in the moment I dropped the gem causing it to completely shatter like glass. I felt paralysed with fear and uncertainty.

What did I just do?!

I didn't even get the chance to wish for something!!

It was all my fault that Justin was dead and that the gem was cracked! Everything was my fault! God.. they'll never forgive me for being so clumsy and unhelpful!

I felt tears pricking my voice as the man pulled Justin's money bag from his pocket and grinned as he looked in it, "Oh wow, the kid carries quite a bunch.. I mean, it's about enough to cover Augustine's dept to me, but I'm afraid you kids still owe me more than you can imagine."

"We owe you nothing." Arthur muttered as he pushed himself off of the ground.

"Still in the chatty mood are we?" The man asked as he grew closer to Arthur who didn't seemed to back down.

This intrigued the man as he made a quick 180 and began walking towards me.

"Hm.. In my years of experience I have learnt that everyone kneels to someone, and if they don't kneel for themselves, they'll kneel for those they care about." He began as he reached for his sword.

He stood before me now, and I had no where to go to since I was still a mess.

"So then. Do you care about her?" He grinned as he put a hand on my shoulder roughly.

That was enough for Arthur to come charging at him with all the force he had.

The man didn't expect it, so he was easily tackled to the floor where Arthur began kicking and punching with all the energy he had left in him. The man obviously didn't stand a chance, but also seeing this side of Arthur was frightening.

I felt worse than I just had. I... I didn't even think that was possible.

He didn't look to be stopping either. He just kept going at it, the man eventually went limp.

I felt sick to my stomach.

A certain kind of sick that physically weakened me. I needed to breathe but it seemed the air around me would follow me - this thick, hot air  - it was suffocating. I took in a deep breath as I felt Alfred's hand on my arm, he lightly tugged at me to lead me out of the room.

In his pure blue eyes, I could see the disgust but he was somewhat more composed than I was.

"Let's get out of here." He said below a whisper.

I could only nod slowly as he wrapped his arm around my side to help me walk.

I was strong, but... all these events were weighing me down. I didn't know how to feel to feel normal...

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