Disdainful Decisions

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The Façade of 1728
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Disdainful Decisions

After Justin saved us, we headed north for a bit until we reached a small town a few hours later.

On the ride there, Arthur, Alfred, and Dolan all slept while I watched the world disappear behind us and Justin didn't mind driving so it worked out.

The long ride gave me time to question everything that's happened so far...

It began with a heist Justin planned out by himself to steal from an former pirate who just happened to have stolen from Arthur.. hah. Imagine that! The irony of the entire situation.. those prized items the former pirate had stolen had traces of a woman who looked like me and had my name...

What happened next? Nelly gave us tickets to go across the ocean to work for her grandson to be a part of 'his team'... whatever that meant..

But the ship we were on was hijacked by Francis who killed Kenny and recognised Justin and I even though neither of us knew him... And Alfred too, knew him just as he knew him..

From there, Francis took us to the islands down in the Caribbean because he was going to trick Arthur into giving him all his possessions for the chance to meet me once again?

Then Arthur recognised me even though I didn't have a clue who he was... I looked over at Arthur while I was deep in thought.

He looked calm. So peaceful... I smiled slightly then continued thinking.

Since Alfred and I were like Runaways on the island, Francis couldn't trade us, which is probably why we were able to go with Arthur so easily...

Then Justin had been off doing whatever it was he was doing.. then I got the green gem that I've been keeping in my glorious satchel.. apparently it grants wishes.

With thoughts of the gem in my mind, I got an idea. Across from me was an open box with a few broken chains and smoothed out rocks and shells. I reached in and pulled out the prettiest chain there was. It was fairly small and iron.

I sat back down and got comfortable as I then reached for the green gem from my satchel. Like this, I could make a necklace!

Since the chain was broken, I used the pointless end to see if I could scratch the gem any so that I could make a hole in it big enough for the chain to fit through it.

I was stunned to see how soft the gem was.. the chain scratched with ease almost as if it were dough..

Once I finished digging and picking at the gem, I pushed the chain through and proceeded to lock both ends of the chain together as best as I could.

I smiled at my creation, it was a new necklace!

I looked over to see Alfred's big blue eyes open up slowly.

He exhaled sharply as he looked around, upon seeing me, he sat up slowly but remained silent.

"You're finally awake." I said, turning to look at him.

I noticed right away that he was frowning, maybe it was just an after effect from his drinking.

"Mhmm.. Where are we?" He asked, rubbing his eye.

"We're on a wagon, I guess you weren't really paying attention because you drank so much." I said, putting the necklace back into my satchel.

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