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The Façade of 1728
Chapter Twenty-Six
I'll get you out soon, I think I found a door

"What did you drink? You can't even walk!" Justin hissed as he continued walking beside Dolan the duck while Alfred leaned on him for support walking.

"Dunno. Lost count but it was" He hiccuped, "Y'know, there should be a law or somethin so that kids like us can't drink till we're like twenty-one or somethin." He slurred.

"Twenty-one? That's real specific." Justin muttered as he glared ahead.

"Ya, but it feels right, y'know?" Alfred slurred back.

"Look. I don't get why I have to carry this idiot around and you two get to walk ahead without a care!" Justin shouted at us.

"Hey, stupid one, and _______! The least you could do is pay attention to me when I shout at you!"

"S-Stupid one? Excuse you!" Arthur exclaimed as he turned to glare back at Justin.

"You're excused, now pay attention to me and take this idiot before I throw him into the ocean." Justin hissed.

"You're carrying him until you two make up. Forgive each other and carry on, Justin." I said.

"That's still not fair-"

"Don't be so childish, this is for your own good too. Holding grudges isn't good for you." Arthur cut in.

"Says the hypocrite."


"Ya. I didn't mention it sooner since it's none of my business, but you're holding a grudge against France and Spain right now, aren't ya? You even sent that guy over to France's ship to spy on him, didn't you?" Justin hissed, "Take this idiot, dammit! He's starting to drool!" Justin exclaimed.

Arthur rolled his eyes, "Pathetic, I can't believe you're the demon that saved my life before.." He muttered under his breath as he walked over to help him with Alfred.

"Hmm. Over here." I said, pointing towards a bunch of haystacks.

I put my hands on my hips as I watched the four of them sit, it was four counting the duck..

"Alight look. That sun is going down and I want to do something new before it does. I obviously can't if you kids are all going to argue with one another, so, Justin, remember those plans we would make when we were getting ready to steal something in the moment?" I asked.

"Ugh, yea, like you distract and we sneak in, that one, right?" Justin responded as he pulled a loose feather from Dolan's neck. He began to play with it while I continued, "Right well, do you three-" I stopped as I noticed Alfred was sleeping now, "Well you two, do you see the wagon across the street over there?" I asked, not pointing to it.

The two looked over casually then nodded.

"Right then. I'll do what I do best and distract, Arthur, you sneak on while I talk to whoever owns it and you get ready to getaway. Justin, you carry Alfred and Dolan on as quick as you can, got it?"

"You can't run in that dress, though. Let me distract, you go ahead and prepare to drive it off." Arthur said, wide-eyed.

"No, man, I'm not agreeing with her just because you're stupid, but I honestly think that it's better if you let her do what she does best. She's a smooth talker." Justin said, turning towards Arthur.

" Justin said, turning towards Arthur

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