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The Façade of 1728
Chapter Fourteen

"You know what you're doing, right?" Justin asked as he lifted one of the chests while trying to maintain his footing on the small unsteady boat.

"Not really but just keep still so I can grab it!" Alfred whispered back loudly, "I can't reach it yet so jump or something!"

"I can't jump unless you want me to fall off the boat with this shit!" Justin hissed back.

"Just a little closer..." Alfred said under his breath as he persisted, reaching over the side of Arthur's ship to reach the chest Justin was holding.

"Fuck!" Justin hissed as he slipped and fell off the boat, luckily as he did so, he managed to gain the inch Alfred needed to reach the last chest.

"Got it!" Alfred said as he pulled it up onto Arthur's ship.

"But at what cost?" Justin muttered as he climbed back onto the small boat so that he could climb back up the ship.

Once the two were back on, they quickly looked for a way to hide the two chests in one of the storage rooms so that they could get to it easily but without anyone else also coming up upon it. After doing so, they sheepishly made their way back to the captain's quarters where Arthur should be. Of course, they had momentarily forgotten about Francis and Antonio, so they were in quite the shock when they walked in to see them.

"Arthur. We know you're hiding them." Francis said sternly.

"Hiding who?" Arthur retorted, forgetting the fact that he asked Justin if the girl was the same _______ from before.

"______, Justin, and Alfred." Antonio replied as he picked up the coat that was set on the chair at the end of the table, "Perhaps it's best you answer before you wish you answered."

At that moment, Justin and Alfred pranced in laughing, "Yo Arthur we're back!" Alfred shouted before his eyes met Francis's eyes, "Dammit!" Alfred then muttered.

"Okay so there are those two idiots, now where are you hiding the girl?" Francis asked.

"Idiots? Why don't you say that to my face now?" Justin glared, poppin his fists as he walked closer to Francis.

Arthur turned back towards Alfred, "The frog has a point here. Where is she?"

"Don't worry, she'll be here any minute. We had to do different things to get what we needed.

"I don't care if you separated or not. Where. Is. She?" He emphasised his frustration.

"She's out! Don't worry about her so much, she's strong enough to handle herself." Alfred frowned.

Arthur let out a frustrated huff as he stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

Everyone was slightly taken back and unsure what to do, he was obviously very upset..

In the moment, Justin quickly threw a punch at Francis's face, "sacre bleu!" Francis was knocked back onto the floor, Justin's green eyes glistened as he let out a laugh, "My fist fucking hurts but ahaha!" He began laughing as he ran out to avoid being hit himself.

Alfred, now alone with Antonio and the knocked down Francis made eye contact with the two momentarily before running out of the room as well.

"So did you expect it to end up like this?" Antonio asked, watching Francis struggle to get up as he held a hand up to his cheek.

"No, but do you expect anything from this book-" he stopped, "Book? Antonio. I'm getting that feeling of déjà vu once again... It hasn't happened for years, but it's making me feel more sick than confused now." He sounded disoriented.

"Ah, you're fine, it's probably just that blow Justin gave you." Antonio replied.

"No no... It's something more. Remember before when these feelings used to come more often... Well, it feels like there's something more than just our little world and-" Francis stopped and let out a long and frustrated sigh, "It's very hard to explain the unexplainable. Perhaps we should go outside and see what's become of the others.."

Francis stood up and brushed himself off slowly, the thought still lingered in his mind, but he continued out. Nothing more was to be said.

Antonio pushed his hands in his pockets, now alone in the room he had time to think, "That demon Justin also mentioned something about someone being out there and that we would meet them soon enough..."

He felt somewhat cold all of the sudden, he looked around the empty room and quickly walked out.

There was still one person in the room...


I'm leaving you on a cliffhanger for now. I'm gonna post again later tonight xx

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