Let's Do Something

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The Façade of 1728
Chapter Twenty-Five

{originally I planned for this story to have simply 20 chapters. I feel that can't be the case anymore.. I have more loose ends than I planned to have and am trying to explain those in this part so that *unreadable book title* can tie the rest up...}

"So you've still not made up with Alfred?" I asked while taking a sip of my drink.

"I don't have anything I'm sorry for!" Justin said sternly, "Besides, he already tried to apologise but I don't care, I won't accept it."

"Why not? Isn't your friendship more important here? Was what happened that damaging that you're going to throw away everything for it?" I asked.

"Don't try to defend him when you don't know what happened, ________, besides, shouldn't you be getting ready for our trip?" He asked, changing the topic.

"Well. Yes, I suppose... Give me ten minutes. I'll just grab a few things and be ready." I said, standing up.

"Are you going to wear your dress there?" Justin asked.

"Ugh- well, I suppose that at this point the only other clothing that fits right and isn't completely lost or damaged is my sleepwear and I can't wear that out.." I explained.

Arthur laughed lightly as he looked up from his map, "Ill let you borrow something, for now just get your things together."

I smiled as I headed towards the door, "In that case, thank you!"

--- You threw the P.O.V. To Arthur, he caught it! ---

"So what happened between you and Alfred?" I asked as I examined the area where the thief lived on the map.

"Nothing that concerns you, that's what." Justin said as he picked up a feather pen and attempted to balance it on his nose.

"But it does since it can interfere with my plans tonight. So tell me or tell the fish when I throw you into the ocean." I said sternly.

The feather pen gracefully fell onto the ground and he frowned, "A lot of things. Look. If you don't make me talk about it, I swear on my life I'll work well with him for the mission."

"Hmm. I'm not convinced, you see, I once met a gentleman much like you some years ago." I began, meaning him, but when he was a demon.

"And seeing that he was as young as he was when he died, I think that I should try to avoid something like that from reoccurring." I finished. By this, I meant that Justin is pretty young looking for a demon..

My memory of him from back then isn't as clear as it could be, but, I clearly remember he was young looking, he looked as young as he does now.

"I've been meaning to ask you Justin.. how old are you?" I asked, suddenly changing the topic completely.

"Why do you care?"

"It's just common curiosity." I replied.

He frowned slightly but replied, "I'm seventeen."


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