Camila sighed at the gentle desperation in the brunette's voice and lost her attitude. She stood up and pointed her finger to the couch. "Lay down."


"I said, lay down."

Lauren hesitantly did as she was asked and then calmed as the diva laid next to her, resting her head on her shoulder. The diva grabbed the brunette's hand of the arm she was laying on and wrapped it around her body and took the other one in hers, resting it on Lauren's chest. "This is where you are. You're with me. Close your eyes and just be here."

"Are you trying to get me to go to sleep."

"I'm trying to help you. Now, close your eyes."

Lauren looked at the ceiling for a few seconds and then closed her eyes. Camila let go over her hand and moved hers up so that her fingers rested on the exposed skin of the brunette's neck and collar bone. "This is that touch you like. Focus on it."

"Are you going all zen on me?"

"Lauren Jauregui!"

"Sorry. Okay."

"I'm serious. I remember when you first told me about your need to touch, to feel. I didn't get it. I thought your constant need to have skin contact was just an insecurity or something, but it wasn't. I remember what you said when you met Alex too. It's about security, that it makes something real when you feel it." She ran her fingers in soft patterns as she felt the brunette's breathing slow. "A touch pulls you from the racing world around you which passes so quickly that it leaves you in a blur, and ties you down to a single sensation. It can pull you out of a depression and back into reality. It can make all your worries seem distant in the past. It can make you feel alive. It can make you feel like you aren't being left behind and that time will move at your pace. But most importantly, touching something means it's real. We're real. You and me and no matter when it happens, we are going to get married. And until then, I'm still going to be right here, so there's no need to feel so rushed." Camila lifted her head up and was met by Lauren's green eyes. "You were supposed to have your eyes closed, but clearly you weren't listening to me."

"And you were already supposed to have all of my heart, but you just took a little bit more."

The diva beamed. "My Casanova."


"I hear more footsteps." Meg mumbled and Kim lifted her head up towards the entrance. There was a man in jeans a plaid shirt and a trucker hat slowly making his way towards them, casting his eyes around the large room.

The assistant stood up and straightened herself for a more professional look. "May I help you?"

"Uh, yeah. I was actually looking for Lauren or Camila."

Kim opened her mouth and pointed towards the dressing room but she was cut off.

"I don't want to disturb them. I'm sure they've got a million things going on. I just wanted to know if they were here. Can you just give them this letter?"

"Um, sure." Kim responded accepting the envelope as Meg sat up to get a better look at the man. "May I ask your name so I know who to tell them it's from."

"Oh, it's not mine." He answered tucking his hands in his pocket. "It was just better that I dropped it off. I'll be seeing them at the wedding so, I'll talk to them then. But, uh, you ladies have a nice day." He raised his hand and turned to leave, looking the studio over again in awe.

"No name and a blank envelope..." Meg stated, pushing herself off the sofa. "Let's go deliver it and see if they'll indulge us."

Kim nodded as she tapped the edge of the letter on her hand, still watching as the man disappeared from sight. He was going to be at the wedding, so she wanted to know who he was. "You had a personal delivery." She stated as they both entered the dressing room to find Camila and Lauren still cuddled up on the couch.

Beautiful When You Don't TryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon