Chapter 10: Number three, He's ultra-confident.

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Blake moved towards my bed slowly.
"Blake?" I whispered. I couldn't breathe or even think. He now stood next to me by the side of my bed. He climbed over wedging me in between him with each leg at either sides of my hip and his hands held him up, supporting his weight.
"Breathe," he murmured as he leaned in and blew at my collarbone sending cold electric shocks through my body.
I tried my best to steady my breathing even though the tempo of my heart beat increased. "Lexi, in this game we are going do anything," he emphasized "anything" and continued, "to turn each another on." I smirked as we held eye contact. "That shouldn't be too hard. I think I've already won." I was surprised that my voice sounded so calm. He smirked back. "Now be quiet, you didn't let me finish. There will be no actual sex and the first one to moan loses."
Oh my, I'm going to lose!

"What does the winner get?" I questioned. "Anything I want," he replied. I arched my one eyebrow in a seductive manner. Oh, was I flirting?
"You sound very confident." Number three, He's ultra-confident.
"I am Miss. Cooper. I have an effect on you." And with that he killed all space between us and layed his lips on mine. I couldn't help but think, So do I. His kiss was gentle and sweet while his hands moved up my hip and around my waist pulling me more closer to him, if that was even possible. I pushed my book off the bed with one hand as my other wrapped around his neck. I guided him over with ease as he rolled himself so I was on top of him. His tongue requested entrace by sliding across my lips and I opened allowing him to slip it in. I was now preforming a tango with Blake Anderson and I hoped to myself that it didn't look as disgusting as it looked when he and Miss. Red-head kissed. How many girls has Blake kissed? I wondered. Lex, this is not the time. Enjoy it.

In between the kiss I managed to mutter, "How... long until... we... stop?" He gently bit my lip and I dug into his shoulders with both hands trying not to moan. My body was reacting quicker than I thought. He suddenly jerked back. "There's know certainty off time. It could be a few more minutes or a few hours. It all deepens on your resistance to moan." I longed for his lips to be back on mine. "Lex... I have alot of experience." I rolled my eyes and said, "I'm sure." Then pulled him to me as I leaned down and kissed him more fiercely than I meant to. I could feel him smiling. "A... little... eager. Aren't we?" He was also finding it harder to breathe and I replied by tightening my grip on his shirt as I sucked his lower lip. He pushed me over and trailed small fairy-like kisses from the edge of my lips to my left cheek to my ear then to the nook of my neck just above my collarbone, my sweet spot. He kissed gently, then roughly as I had my right hand tangled in his hair, the left rested on his back and my legs wrapped around his waist bringing both our midsections to meet. He kissed more, started to suck then he bit hardly. He was giving me a hickey.

That was it. The sensation passing through my body was too forceful. "Ahh," I moaned as I held him firm onto me. Blake stopped kissing and came to eye level.
"I told you I'd win." He pressed his forehead against mine with a huge smirk painted on his face. I closed my eyes and tried to wrap my head around the idea of what just happened while Blake got up and left.

Two hours later I was standing outside Noah's dorm. "Hey, Lex." Her roommate Kelly greeted. "Hello, is Noah here?" She nodded and stepped aside so I could enter. I walked through their small lounge like Blake and mine's then to Noah's room. I knocked on her closed door and entered when she said to. "Hi," I whisphered. She looked up and rolled her eyes at me. "I'm sorry for everything that has happened," I continued.
Truthfully, I don't think I did anything wrong. I was just trying to be a good friend but since I valued Noah's friendship a lot I came to apologize.
This got her attention and she sat up in bed looking at me. She seemed almost drained. "Noah are you okay?" My concern showed through my words.
"I can't believe I said all those horrible things to you," She answered.
"I understand don't worry about it. All I'm worried about is if I can have my best friend back and I hope she knows I really care about her and will always support her." She woke up and smiled then suddenly hugged me.
It was really beautiful.

"I don't want a stupid summary! I want details!" I briefly told Noah about the game I played this morning. "It was hot and interesting. Connor never made me feel like that. It... It was very different and I'm afraid if I replay it in my head or describe it the more insane and unrealistic it will seem." My hand slide up and lingered at my collarbone and I smiled remembering the hickey.
She stayed silent and smirked at me.
"What?" I arched my eyebrow.
"You like him." Yes, I whispered to myself. "No!" I yeld at her. NO, I tried to bluff myself. No!

After fifteen minutes more of trying to convince Noah, and myself, that I do not like Blake I headed back to the dorm. On my way I could feel people staring at me and when I turned around I saw Melanie and her two minions snickering as they followed me. "It's an honour to be stalked by Melanie Banks." She smiled deviously. "My existence should be an honour to mankind." I rolled my eyes and began to walk away. Then her hand clasped my shoulder and halted me.

"I warned you to stay the fuck away from Blake," she stormed. "Well, firstly I didn't do anything and secondly bitch get it through your head that you are just a fuck-toy. I know Blake and he doesn't stick around for anyone, even if you're a blond whore who has convinced herself she's enough for him. Now, you bring out the worst in me so I'm gonna turn around and leave so God-forbids you to try and stop me." After that I turned, calmly walked away from Melanie and straight into a spectator of our scene. I looked up into those familiar seaweed green eyes. They looked hurt.
"Bl... Blake," I stuttered. He looked away from me and spoke, "I'm happy you stood up for yourself but I can't believe the way you see me." It was so much emotions coming from him that I stood staring at him utterly speechless. He walked away and soon I was left staring at nothing in particular.

Did I really believe all of what I just said? Do I really see Blake in that way? Yes, of course I do. What am I suppose to think. Lex! Wake up! He's not the bad boy that's going to change for you. You are NOT worth it. Everyone knows that because Blake and you had a kinky moment it doesn't mean he is suddenly in love with you. My conscious was right. Blake would not change for me... and I did not want him to.

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The Bad Boy's Guide.  2020जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें