Chapter 10: Your a Zombie??

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Disclaimer: I do not own Campione and Is this a Zombie?

Chapter 10: Your a Zombie?

I was riding my bike just to ride it. Probably get something on my way. I got off the highway and went into a neighborhood. I saw a kid who looked not too well. I stopped and I called after the kid.

"Hey kid, you alright" I ask and he turns to me.

"I'm fine. Why are you asking" the guy says.

"You look like a zombie or something" I say and the guy freaks out.

His reaction is like he is a zombie or some sort.

"Are you a zombie" I say.

He got up and didn't reply. I don't wanna give up without a fight.

"Hey kid, its not like I'm after you or something. I'll tell you what I am if you tell me what you are" I suggest and he stops and turns at me.

"What do you mean 'what you are'" He asks.

"To put this short, I'm a god. Now tell me what you are" I say.

"Fine. I am indeed a zombie" he says.

I didn't believe it. He was actually a zombie. The weird thing is that he doesn't seem the type who would eat your brains or something.

"Wouldn't you mind if I visit your house for a while" I say.

"Whatever. My house is right here anyway" he says.

How convenient. His house is right there. I park my motorcycle and I go to his house. He opened his door and I followed him. He went in a little living room of some type. When I was in here, I saw 3 girls sitting around a table. What the hell is this??? Is this guy doing all of them at once????

"Hey Ayumu, who is this chump" a girl to the left says and points at me.

Who was she calling a chump?

"I don't even know myself. He claims to be a god" Ayumu says.

"My name is Kaze Tesuga. If you don't believe I'm a god, try your most powerful attack on me" I say.

"Whatever you say" Ayumu says and he starts to charge power or something.

He said 700% power and he punched my chest. To my surprise, his fist goes through me. It did hurt, but I didn't show any pain. There was a massive amount of blood on the floor. Ayumu took his fist out and his hand was bloody. I triggered my healing affect, which the wound closed itself. Everyone except a girl with white hair and armor of some type. She didn't show any emotion at all. When my wound healed and closed the hole in my chest, the girl with the white hair wrote something on a notepad. When she finished, she showed it and it said "He is a god".

"I guess you are pal" Ayumu says.

"See told ya. Anyway, what are all your names" I ask.

"I'm Haruna and I'm a genius" the girl on the left says.

"I'm Seraphim and I hope your not a maggot like Ayumu" the girl in the middle says.

The girl in the white hair to my right wrote in her notepad. She showed it and it said "Eu". Interesting. I should stay here for dinner now that I know everybody.

"Hey Ayumu. Can I stay for dinner" I ask.

"Go ahead" he says, sounding depressed that I'm staying just to eat his food.

"Awesome, thanks" I say and I take off my jacket and my shades.

I sit around the table and wait for.dinner.

"What are you the god of exactly?" Haruna asks.

"I am the god of swords. I can make any type of sword and use any kind" I say.

"Not only that, but he's a complete dumbass" Luna says, hopping out of my jacket pocket.

"I forgot you were here Luna" I say, scared a bit.

"If you put me in there again, I'll butcher you with your own sword" Luna says.

"Oh, how cute is she" Haruna says and she reaches out to pick Luna up...bad mistake.

Luna takes out her sword and point it at Haruna.

"You touch me and I'll cut you to pieces" Luna says, pissed off.

"Pretty aggressive for a small person" Eu writes on her notepad.

"You have no idea" I say to Eu.

Ayumu brings out dinner which was spaghetti and meatballs. It's classic and simple which I like. He gives out the food to everyone. I grab my fork and dug in. When there was one last meatball, I was about to eat it, but Luna takes it and bites it in front of my face.

"The hell, I was going to eat it" I say, irritated.

"You really are selfish aren't you. Its the least you can do since you didn't give me food at all" Luna says.

I gave up. There was no point in arguing about it. I was kinda selfish not to give Luna some food.

"Sorry Luna for not giving you any food" I say.

"It's alright" Luna says and she finished the meatball.

"Sounds like you two are pretty close" Seraphim said.

"Let's just say we're friends" Luna says.

"Yeah, you can say that" I say.

After a while, everyone fell asleep in their rooms. Even Luna was asleep. I put her in my pocket. The only one that was still up was Ayumu, washing up the dishes. I walk into the kitchen to meet him.

"Hey, I'm going to leave. It was nice to meet you Ayumu" I say.

"Likewise Kaze. I'll see you later" Ayumu says and I put on my jacket and shades.

When I went outside, it was dark. I put my keys into the ignition on my motorcycle and I drove off towards the highway. When I reached home, it was like 12:00 at midnight. I went inside my house, hanged up my jacket and shades, and placed the sleeping Luna on my desk. I go on my bed, and soon enough, my eyes close and fall asleep

A/N: I hope you enjoyed an I will A,B, Cya

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