'You tell them and, well... I'll say it won't be you who feels it first'

There was no mistaking the underlying threat to her friends in his words, but even with her back against the wall Sienna's eyes blazed.

She'd put up with enough of his empty intimidations to know when she could fight back, and she could tell he realised this too.

By now, his hand had moved to her throat, the smooth back of a razor claw pressingly lightly against her. Watching him, she could tell his eyes were on the tender part of her neck, watching his own claws taunt her.

It was a harsh reminder of the time he hadn't been so delicate with his hands.
She swallowed at the painful memory, her throat moving against his claws, breathing hitching, and he suddenly withdrew as if something had struck him, looking up and away.

With two steps backwards, he reared back up to full height, and Sienna felt her eyes trail up him, taking in his enormous statue again as if it were the first time. Suddenly, he squared his broad shoulders and looked as if he were about to speak.

But this time his voice was different. No jests. No threats. Just...

'Trust me'

His words were the final straw, and the shock of his quick change in tone only brought fire to her lips.
Directing her emotion into her clenched fists, she pushed herself off the wall, leaning forward as Reaper moved away.

With muscles tense and eyes glaring once more at his audacity, she raised an arm and stalked forwards. How dare he come here with that? With a hiss between her teeth, she took one more step-

And stopped.

Her peripheral vision had caught it, and it was unmistakeable.

Now frozen under the red laser dot trained on her heart, steady and unmoving, Sienna was paralysed. Fury still coursed through her veins, and she opened her mouth to speak curses only to be interrupted immediately.

'Ahhh, I wouldn't do that if I were you, Girl.'

It was as if his lapse in mocking words had never happened: Trust me.
As if, the soft, quietness in his last sentence was a hopeful dream, lost to memories and replaced by the harsh reality.
This time he was dead serious, slowing and drawing out his meanings with a crushed velvet voice.

I take one more step and I'm dead. I get it. I should have known Widowmaker would be here - always at the right time.

Sienna couldn't help the morbid thoughts of her death occupying her brain, and reminiscing of the last time she'd seen the Widow: with her soldier 76.

'How about you just return to your friends and forget this ever happened?'

Unable to take her eyes off him, still frozen under the sniper's sights, Sienna felt herself drawn to watch his claws click together subconsciously.

His habits haven't changed... but it seems neither has he.

Sienna thought she may have had some effect, no matter how small, on him - just something to tell her she had helped him. But as she looked now there was just an empty shell.

Gabriel is nowhere in sight.

Just as she had thought it, it became true in every sense as the huge man seemed to melt to the ground, dissipating in a whirl of flickering shadows and a faint sound of rushing wind.

As soon as he had disappeared, the red sight on her chest vanished as well. Slowly looking back to where she had stood earlier, it took all Sienna's strength to walk out of the corridor and back into the light.


The sniper stopped immediately after they had landed, removing Reaper's hand from her shoulder and striding away. The wind from their teleportation had stirred her hair, but when she turned back to face him it was clear she was furious.

'What. Was. That?' Widowmaker glared, her voice laced with a cold hostility.

Instead of answering, the man in question simply started walking, utterly ignoring it all.

'Merveilleux*... I see plans do not apply to you.'

Her words aloud seemed to make the air colder, freezing by the second, but Reaper continued walking straight.

When he finally replied, his voice was calms and steady; emotionless as the Widow herself.
'I have the jacket...and the note. The mission was a success.'

'You waste my time, Homme Mort. I told you the girl was a mistake.'

Widowmaker had caught up to Reaper now, her long strides making short work of the distance.

'I will kill her myself next time. I like to keep my skills sharp.'

The French tang of her accent masked the morbidity of her words, but the way Reaper's breathing shallowed showed he hadn't missed it.

'Don't touch her. Just stay out of my way.' His voice kept his characteristic, low growl, revealing nothing - but at the same time everything.

With one hand now on her hip and a single eyebrow raised in disbelief, the shade thrown over the Reaper was almost overwhelming. He seemed to realise it too as he stopped, and heard her low whistle echoing off the walls around them.

'She is twisting you. Ça pique, n'est-ce pas?** Oui, It stings to realise you want her... alive.'

The blue femme fatale watched Reaper bristle angrily from behind, but he didn't turn around.

'Watch your back, Widow. You'll get caught in your own web.'

Her response was a shallow laugh, and it was clear that was all he would say on the topic.
Reaper knew the plan and that was what mattered. Finally, a tolerant silence enclosed them both.

Widowmaker's French
*Merveilleux = marvellous
**Ça pique, n'est ce pas? = It stings, doesn't it?

Author's note! I just wanted to say thank you all so much for the lovely comments and votes, it's so, so motivating to see people actually enjoy reading my story!
If anyone has any questions or something isn't clear in the story then please let me know - I'd love to be able to fix bits and clarify parts more if that's something you guys want (: xx

Love, as always,
Wren~ xxx

It Takes Time / Reaper x fem!OCWhere stories live. Discover now