A New School

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Chapter 1: A new school

A/N: Hey guys it's me! Sorry I know I shouldn't do this but I'm having some creative block on the other two stories and doing this usually clears that up. I don't expect you to like this one because I'm not really sure about it. So I know my chapter stories have all been Kiba and Naruto paired together but sadly this one is not. Now before you stop reading just know yes Kiba is part of the main pairing but he will be paired with an OC. Don't laugh at the OC though because yeah it's pretty much me. So I hope you don't hate this too much about my awkwardness. Oh and it will be in the first person. Anyways on to the story!


It's always hard starting a new school. I should know since I've been to so many schools. Let me explain myself here. My name is Blaine Yuhi and I've moved around a lot my whole life. It's always been just me and I've never had a whole lot of friends. Sure that was always fine with me I was a loaner and didn't need anybody. I thought it would be that way my whole life but boy was I wrong.

That all changed for me the day I moved to Konoha. See I lived with my mom for a long time and she was always moving but I finally get to go live with my dad Ibiki Morino. He's lived in Konoha since he left my mom so long ago. So since I would be living with him I would be going to a whole new school again. Just what I need another new high school. I figured not many would like me or even notice me since no one ever does. Today was about to be my first day and I didn't know how wrong I was.

I woke up that morning and looked around my new room. There were boxes all over the place since I hadn't gotten to unpacking yet because I'm lazy. I walked to the bathroom right next to my room to take the usual morning leak and to try to wake up some more. I looked at my reflection in the mirror to see my hair a mess just like I like it.

I went back to my room to get dressed didn't want to be late to my first day of my junior year after all. I grabbed my glasses then put on a random black top from one of my boxes and a pair of blue jeans that I saw first. I put my watch on next and then put my usual leather jacket on after that. When I was satisfied with my usual "I don't care" look I grabbed my phone and wallet and headed downstairs.

When I got to my living room I smelled coffee coming from the kitchen. I went to see who was brewing my favorite drink this early. "Oh hey son I was about to wake you," my dad said in the kitchen. "Hey dad what're you doing up?" I asked. "Just making some coffee to see you off," Dad replied. "Oh thanks. It's my favorite," I said. "I know it is," Dad said smiling. I grabbed my cup he had bought for me and filled it putting in a little milk at the top. "See ya later Dad!" I called grabbing my keys and heading out the door.

Sitting outside in the driveway was my sick ass car that my mom had bought me when I turned 17. It was a black 1967 Chevy Impala and it was in pristine condition. It was also the car driven on one of my favorite TV shows which made it all the better. I hopped in the front seat and put the key in the ignition and started. I always love to hear it roar to life.

I put in Metallica's newest album and pulled out the driveway. I drove in the direction that I knew the school to be in having been shown by my dad. It was a short drive from here to there and I arrived in no time.

I parked in the student lot and got out of my car. The second I got out there was already people staring at me so I just stuck my hands in my pockets and kept walking towards the school. The place was pretty decent sized too. They had a whole section dedicated to performing arts which is really cool.

I grabbed my phone and shoved it down into my pocket, leaving a little sticking out for easy access. I look around at all the people that seemed to be looking at me. I put an unapproachable look on my face to keep them from talking.

When I get inside the building I see it isn't quite as big as I thought it was. I walk around for a while looking for the office to pick up my schedule. "You look like you're lost," a girl leaning on a wall next to where I was standing said. She had black hair with red streaks through it and she wore all black like me with a skull watch on.

"What's it to you," I said defensively. "Nothing you just look lost is all," she said. "Well yeah thanks for that miss state the obvious," I said sarcastically. "What's your problem buddy," she said pushing off the wall. "People that's what. This ain't my first time being the new kid. I know what most do to new kids," I said. "Well I ain't most. You look like ya need a friend," she said. "Ha!" I scoffed. "I don't need friends. Never had them and never wanted them," I said.

"Well ya got one now. The name's Raven. How about you?" Raven introduced. "I'm Blaine. And I already said I don't want friends," I reiterated for her. "Don't care. My group of friends are the outcasts, which you are judging by how you dress, so now you're one of us," Raven said. "You're not gonna stop till I say yes are you?" I asked. "Nope," she said. "Fine whatever. Just show me where the office is so I can get my schedule," I sighed. "Right this way," Raven said and walked off.

I followed her to where the office is and I got my schedule. It turns out I have second hour with her and every lunch with her. As we were walking down the hall I saw a group of guys passing that were laughing and messing around. I saw the guy in lead and I stopped dead. He was the sexiest guy that I had ever seen. He had brown hair that spiked in just the right places, feral gorgeous brown eyes, red fang tattoos on his cheeks, and muscles peeking out of the shirt he was wearing.

Raven elbowed me because I was staring and started drooling. "Who is that," I asked pointing to the guy. "That's Kiba Inuzuka. He's a pretty nice guy. Really cute too as I see you noticed," Raven teased. "He's not cute. He's fucking hot and sexy as hell!" I practically screamed. "Oh I was joking. Wait are you gay?" Raven asked. "What? OH! No I'm bisexual. That a problem?" I said. "No it's fine my boyfriend's bisexual and my cousin is too," Raven said in defense.

"Oh cool. Who's your cousin?" I ask starting to warm up to her a little. "You'll see in 3, 2, 1," Raven counted. A blonde ball of energy shot through the halls right into Raven. "Hiya Raven! Who's the cute guy?" a blonde guy asked standing in front of us. "Hey Naruto. This is a new friend. His name is Blaine," Raven said. "Hi! As you heard I'm Naruto. Nice to meet ya!" Naruto said giving me a hug. "Alright down boy," Raven said pulling him off of me.

"Hi I'm Blaine," I said brushing off my jacket. "Oops sorry," Naruto said shrugging. "It's fine. And did you call me cute?" I asked. "Yep you are," Naruto smiled. "Thanks you're not so bad yourself," I winked. Naruto blushed a little. At the moment I felt someone brush my shoulder and I turned to see Kiba standing there.

"I heard what you shouted a little bit ago," he whispered. "W-what?" I mumbled my brain freaking out that such a hot guy was this close. "About me being hot and sexy," Kiba said. "O-oh. T-that," I stuttered brain still rebooting. "Yeah. You're pretty cute yourself," Kiba winked. "T-thanks," I said my brain freezing again. "Kiba stop teasing," I heard as if from far away. "What he's cute," Kiba pouted. "Down," I heard again. "Fine," Kiba said.

He backed away and I just now realized I was leaning on the lockers and he had been on top of me. "Call me," Kiba winked slipping a piece of paper in his hand. "O-ok," I stutter one last time. Kiba walked away and I was left with Raven and Naruto. "Damn that was intense," Raven whistled. "Don't listen to him. He's a big tease," Naruto said. "W-what?" I asked still recovering. "Stick with us you'll be fine," Naruto said.

I walked off with them but couldn't get Kiba outta my mind. The only thing that distracted me was Naruto occasionally flirting with me. I couldn't decide who was better looking. No one had ever shown interest in me before. Definitely not two good looking guys at once. I could tell this was gonna be an interesting school year with lots of tough choices. And boy was I right.


A/N: So how was that? I thought that went pretty good. So what do you think is gonna happen is there a love triangle brewing or will he choose one quickly. There's lots to happen so I hope you enjoy. Next to update is anbu cause I got it all written during my vacation. So until next time. Cya!

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