Part One - Chapter 1

Depuis le début

“You haven’t seen anything, have you?  Like a dark figure or something?”

I looked at her strangely.  “What do you mean?” I asked.

She shook her head and mumbled to herself about it being the right time.  She got up and walked back toward the stove.

“Right time for what?” I asked.

“What?” she asked, turning back toward her.

“You said it was the right time for something.  What is it?”

“It’s not time for anything just yet it seems.  When it is, I’ll show you,” she said.

I was about to ask her what, but then Lyric was at the foot of the stairs.  She was rubbing her eyes and yawning, walking toward me.

“I thought you went back to sleep?” I asked.

“I couldn’t stay asleep after you woke me up,” she said in her little voice as she crawled into my lap. 

“I’m sorry,” I said.  “Here, you can eat some of these.”

I handed her my fork and she stabbed the biggest potato she could.  But right before she stuck it in her mouth, I grabbed the fork out of her hand and cut them up for her.  After I gave her back the fork, she began to eat again.

“I’m going to go out and pick some of the vegetables really quick, and then I’m going into town,” Grandma said. 

“We’ll go with you,” I said.  “I need to go somewhere.”

“Yes, you do.  I’m glad you want to go somewhere other than that clearing of yours,” she said. 

“I don’t go there all the time,” I said, stealing one of the potatoes Lyric was about to stab with her fork.  She narrowed her eyes at me, but it was just too cute to take her seriously.  I smiled. 

“You go at least three times a day,” she argued.

“That’s because you only go into town once a week,” I said.  “And I don’t even know why you call it ‘town’.  It’s called rubble.”

“People still live in that ‘rubble’,” she said.  “I was going to bring some of the vegetables that I picked to Lysander.  You remember him.”

“No, I don’t,” I said, even though I did.

“Yes, you do,” Grandma said.  “I know you do.  You saved him from that Guard.”

“Okay, yeah, I remember,” I said.  “But most people don’t remember the good deeds that I do.  They only remember the other things.  I scare people.”

“You shouldn’t act the way you do toward them then,” she said.

“They shouldn’t get in my way,” I said.  “Then they wouldn’t piss me off.”

“Rayney, watch it,” she said, angrily.  Her eyes cut to Lyric, who had just finished her last potato.  “Honey, go get dressed now so we can get going.”

“Okay,” she said, happily, oblivious to what happened.

Once she was gone, Grandma turned back toward me.  “Just try and act civil toward people, please?”

“I’ll act civil once they have one of my knives in their throat and they’re dead,” I said.  I stood up.  “I’m going to help Lyric.” 

She was shaking her head when I turned around to go up the stairs.

Lyric was trying to put on her boots when I got into our room.  She had them both on the wrong foot, so I walked over and sat on the floor in front of her. 

The Descendants Series Vol. 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant