Chapter 43 Keeping It Casual

Start from the beginning

He nodded as he took that in, and I breathed a breath of relief as I dodged a bullet. I didn't want to admit to myself never mind Seth that Dean was intriguing to me. Everything I said was true, which was why I chose Seth, also there were more feelings there. Suddenly though the door opened and we froze, hearing Roman's voice ringing through the bus.

"Lila!" he called, sounding drunk and a whole lot worried, "I need a hand here!"

There was a note of distress in his voice that made my blood freeze in my veins and I scrambled up and over Seth. My hair was wild around my head as I burst through the open door, stopping in the hall so suddenly Seth bounced off me. Roman had Dean's arm around his shoulder, Dean's head lolling against Roman. That wasn't the shocking part, it was the blood on Dean's hands and shirt.

"Roman, what happened?!" I exclaimed, bolting across the bus, taking Dean's other arm.

"Little bar fight." He chuckled, Dean letting out a laugh, lifting his head up, "Well maybe medium sized bar fight."

"Oh my God Dean." I gasped, catching sight of his face as we dropped him on the couch, nearly landing on him.

His lip was split but the majority of the blood had come from his nose which was a bit swollen. Roman staggered to his feet, Seth grabbing him and leading him to the table. He gave me a look to show he had him before I turned my gaze back to Dean.

"Hello darlin." He slurred a bit, eyes trying to focus on my face.

"Oh Dean," I murmured, holding his face steady as I leaned over him, "What happened?"

"A girl tried to take him home but she forgot she had a boyfriend with friends with her." Roman announced, sounding thoroughly amused.

Roman and Seth got up, Seth taking him towards his room, leaving me with Dean. I got up and grabbed the first aid kit and a warm washcloth. Heading back to the living room I watched Dean try to get up, and I raced towards him, pushing him back down.

"Sit down." I ordered, sitting next to him, "Look at me."

He turned his head, letting me dab away at the blood on his face, being gentle around his split lip. It didn't take too long, his white shirt catching most of the spilt blood. Taking his hands in mine I brushed away the blood there, his knuckles bruised but not split.

"Oh Dean," I sighed, hating to see him that way, "What were you thinking?"

"Don't know." He shrugged, a crooked smile on his face, "You look worried."

"Of course I'm worried," I growled, standing up, setting everything on the coffee table, "You walked in, covered in blood, what the hell was I supposed to think?"

"Don't worry about me darlin." He laughed, standing unsteadily next to me, "I'm always good."

He swayed side to side and I rolled my eyes at him, the first aid kit in one hand as I took his in my other. Walking him to his room I saw Roman and Seth in Roman's room, talking amongst themselves. Shutting the door, Dean sat on the edge of the bed, kicking off his boots with a thump before attempting to take his jacket off with some difficulty.

"Here, let me help." I told him, pulling his arm out of his sleeve.

Hanging up the jacket I watched him strip his shirt off, ignoring the sparks flying through me at the sight. He crumpled it in his hand and chucked it in the corner. Taking the opportunity I checked him over, making sure he wasn't bleeding anywhere else. I could feel the tension running through him though, leftover adrenaline I guessed.

"Well next time don't take the one with the boyfriend." I joked, seeing no more cuts on him.

"Try not to." He mumbled, lying on the bed.

I looked away as he kicked off his jeans and covered up with his blanket, resting on his hips. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I brushed his hair away from his face, his blue eyes opening.

"She looked like you," he murmured, my breath catching, "Not as beautiful of course. She didn't have your cheekbones and her lips were thinner."

"Dean your drunk." I said quietly, seeing him close his eyes again, "Go to sleep."

I sat with him for a while, hearing his breath even out. Despite the swelling in his nose and lip he looked peaceful, each wrinkle and frown line evening out and I realized with a start he wasn't that much older than I was. Reaching out I brushed my fingertips from his temples to his jawline, his head moving instinctively towards my hand. Sighing I got up and shut the light off, knowing he would be alright for the night. Seth was just coming out of Roman's room and I could see Roman passed out, sprawled across the bed.

"You coming?" Seth asked, hand on his door, "Is he alright?"

"He's banged up but alright," I nodded, letting Seth put an arm around me, pulling me to his room, "I'm just tired now."

"Let's get some sleep. We've got interviews tomorrow morning, local news." He informed me, and I groaned, tying my hair up into a bun.

"Ugh, what time do we have to be up?" I asked, Seth throwing his shirt on the floor and climbing in his bed.

"7 and we have to be there for 8." He murmured as I crawled in next to him, "Dean will be good to go but I don't know about Roman."

"Ugh, shut up." I mumbled, shutting the lamp off as he wrapped an arm around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder, laughing gently in my ear.

My eyes were already closing, doing my best to keep Dean out of my head. With the interview tomorrow I knew I was in for a long day, including a hung over Roman and possibly Dean.

Best For Business (A WWE Fanfic) Book 2 in The Wild Card SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now