My stomach growled. Maybe he could get me a fruit roll up or maybe even a huge bag of hot Cheetos?Oh and if I'm good i could possibly get ice cream.Mm ice cream....

"Uh Mia? I think i see a little drool on the corner of your mouth."Brandon smirked. He came over and wiped at the corner of my mouth with a small smile. I felt my cheeks flame and I didn't know what to do next. Maybe this is the time i move away or something like that?

"So ,um, why are you here??"

The smile was still on his face when he replied and i could have sworn he had a faint blush on his cheeks." I came to check if you were alright."

"I'm fine i guess." i shrugged."But I'm hungry and i really cant go anywhere."

His eyes landed on my bounded ankle and his face twisted in disgust. He took in some deep breaths and peeled his gaze from the chain, his green eyes were flashing with dismay."I'm sorry.. i don't understand how he can do that to you Mia. That is defiantly not how a guy should treat a lady."

." It's okay its not a big deal, really."I shrugged.

He nodded and sighed." How about I unchain you and we go get some food? I don't find it fair how everyone can eat but you."

Brandon unchained me while i was stuck in my own thoughts. It's funny how a guy that isn't even suppose to be mine is way more nicer to me than my own other half. Maybe he isnt really suppose to be for me. Maybe the Goddess mess up and paired me up with someone that i couldnt ever get along with or him with me..

''Alright, we should get going. And just a heads up Nathan might get just a tad bit mad.'' He warned softly, brushing a hair of mine back in place. I felt my checks flame at his touch and was slightly taken aback. I wasn't suppose to feel like this right? From what my mother told me when I was small, no one can make me feel like this at all. I'm sure blushing was one of the things I was defiantly not suppose to feel as well. Maybe I'm over thinking this..

Brandon pulled me gently by the wrist and lead me out from Nathan's room and out through the expensively looking halls and rooms. There were pictures of Nathan's, I'm guessing, parents on the walls. I didn't get a good look at the picture because of Brandon's tugging. My wolf was becoming more annoyed than ever that she couldn't see our mates parents. But at the moment I could care less.

We finally walked through the door the fresh air greeting me with a breezy caress. It was great to be outside again with all the grass and tress, it felt like home. But then again says a girl with a wolf sharing the same body with her.

The clearing was surprisingly decorated nicely. The tress had some pretty swirly lanterns that lit up the dark starry sky with a soft golden glow. The picnic table had silk like table cloths and cute seashell centerpieces. The grills had steam snaking out from holes giving out a delicious smell, it made my mouth water. But that wasn't what got my attention, it was the large tables in the middle of all of that. It was filled with food from italian, Greek and even Mexican foods. It smelled absolutely amazing I was prepared to give the cooks a freaking Golden Apple.

Brandon got us both plates and we began to pile food on them. " Ugh, this is my personal heaven."

Brandon laughed and put a dumpling on my plate." Yeah it's pretty great huh? I get a lot more choices from my pack but I won't complain."

" what? What pack are you from?"I asked

Brandon just laughed and went over to grab a huge bottle of Mountain Dew. Yeah he get 10 brownie points for that. "How about we go sit over there?"

My eyes followed were he jerked his head. A couple sat there sticking each other tongues down each other's throats. It made me want to puke but also filled me up with a depression that made me want to curl in a ball and cry. I could already feel my throat tighten and my eyes sting. But I will keep it together, no one is going to see me cry.

And besides I have food. Food cures all.

Brandon pulled my chair out for me with a small smile and slid in the chair next to me. I popped the tiny dumpling in my mouth and, goddess, it taste amazing. A few minuets passed and I was about to finish most of my spaghetti when Brandon tugged at my arm. He gestured at the people dancing in the center of the picnic with a huge dimpled smile. Blushed seeped into his cheeks slowly, he looked adorable.

"Wanna dance?" He asked.

I shook my head taking a dumpling from his plate and popping it in my mouth." Nope. Can't dance and I won't ever dance."

He grinned and looked at the couple in front of us." Hey Violet, James would you guys like to dance with us?"

My eyes widen at the couple that pulled back. Violets face redden while her mate, James, chuckled and wrapped his arm around her."Sure."

Brandon and James pulled us away from the table and into the middle of the dance floor. A faint blush creeped up into Violets cheeks as she grinned at me. It was kinda weird because of her swollen lips from her make out session. My wolf whimpered, envious from what our friend has and what we don't.

Brandon and James danced around me and Violet. They swinged their hips doing some old fashion dance moves clumsily. The scene made Vi and me burst out laughing which encourage them to dance even more. James did the running man while poor Brandon blushed furiously and just stood there not knowing what to do next. But soon a slow song came on and both of the guys grinned from ear to ear. Violet batted her eyes at James and both were soon twirling around and away from us.

"My lady.."Brandon dipped into a dramatic bow with a small smile on his face." Could I have the honor to have this dance with a woman as fair and intelligent as you?"

I blushed" No."

He straighten up out of his bow and lifted a eyebrow." Really. I just did that bow for nothing."

I looked at the swirling couples dancing around us. I don't think it would be a good idea to dance around. I haven't even done that before and it seems kinda silly to me. I backed away slowly, nibbling on my bottom lip nervously.

"Come on. It's easy let me-"

A dangerously low growl invaded my sensitive ears and it could only be one person.

Nathan's furious figure approached Brandon and I. He yanked me away from Brandon and made me fall to the ground hard. My wolf howled with pain and confusion at our mates rough handling. It was like he was just like my pack, abusive and careless. It made me boil with anger, anger that was just sitting there slowly progressing till I snapped. And I'm guessing my explosion is now.

"Watch it! I'm not an object you can just throw around!" I screamed.

Before anyone could react Nathan spun around and his palm hit my cheek with a sharp SMACK. My cheek stung and tingled at the same time, torn between complete bliss at his touch but also hurt. Tears threatened to spill over but I just stayed on the ground face down to the floor. A sharp inhale shattered the silence. Hands pulled me up off the floor but I yanked myself away.

"Get your fucking hands off me!" I hissed at a stiff looking Nathan and then added in a soft whisper." I hate you.."

I ran in the direction of the huge thick bundle of trees. I felt my clothes shred when my wolf took over. She ushered me into a spot in the back of our mind where I could cry without anyone knowing. Leah howled out a broken cry, the pain of the slap still fresh in our shrinking heart.


How was this chapter? Good? Awful? Let me know ^^

Picture of James at the side :3

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