I'm A Walking Travesty (All Time Low Fanfic) - Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter 19

Jack’s P.O.V

Minutes felt like hours, hours felt like days, and days seemed to stretch on for an eternity. It had been nearly two weeks since the crash and Valarie was still in a coma. I barely left her side if I could help it, not taking notice of the people that moved around me. I was willing so hard for her to wake up that every little twitch got me excited. But she never woke.

“Jack,” Alex’s voice came from behind me.

Everyone felt so far away, so distant, like I could never reach them again. It felt like the whole world had stopped turning and wouldn’t start until she woke up again.

“Jack,” Alex repeated himself.

I forced myself to look away from Valarie’s frail body to him. He looked just a bad as I felt.

“Her parents wanna talk to you,” He said.

I reluctantly pushed myself out of the seat I had jammed beside Valarie’s bed. I froze as she moved slightly, but felt my stomach sink when she didn’t wake up. I shuddered a sigh before slinking out of the hospital room and into the hallway where Valarie’s parents stood waiting for me. Her mother looked like she’d been crying hysterically and her father’s face was expressionless.

“Jack,” Janette murmured, reaching out for my hand.

I moved forward and took it. I could barley look at her. She resembled Valarie too much. She squeezed my hand gently as her husband started to talk.

“Jack, we’ve had to come to a decisions,” he murmured, his voice trembling slightly, “The doctors have said that there is a ten percent chance of Valarie waking up.”

I felt my heart sink. They weren’t suggesting what I think they are suggesting, are they?

“We’ve decided to turn Valarie’s life support off.”

“What? No! You can’t!” I shouted.

Janette started crying again and I pulled my hand out of hers.

“You can’t turn it off! No!” I kept shouting, hoping the loudness of my voice would stop me from crying myself.

Before anyone could stop me, I ran into Valarie’s room still shouting.
“Get out!” I growled at Cass, who looked up at me with a terrified look on her face before hurrying out of the room.

As soon as she had left, I slammed the door shut and shoved one of the beeping machines in front of it before anyone could come it. Half a dozen faces appeared at the window in the door, but they were all a blur and I didn’t care anymore. I wrapped my arms around Valarie and felt myself start to shake. I tried not to let the tears fall but I couldn’t help it. Just thinking about losing her killed me inside.

Someone starting hitting the door and screaming for me to let them in but I ignored them. I kissed Valarie’s neck and begged her to wake up, but she didn’t move. Someone finally burst through the door and I felt someone on each side of me. They grabbed my arms and ripped me out of my seat before dragging me out of the room.
“Valarie!” I screamed, knowing she couldn’t hear me.

The two people kept dragging me as Valarie’s parents started at me in remorse before I was shoved into the back of a police car. Someone had called 911 on me. Fuck it.

I rolled over on the hard cot with a matress that was too thin and has springs stabbing into my side. It was freezing inside the cell down at the station but the cold didn’t effect me like it should have. I looked up when I heard the jangle of chains to see someone unlocked the barred door.

“You can go now,” the man said.

I stood up and left the cell to find Alex standing at the front desk signing some papers. I stood beside him in silence and he led me out to his car.

“I’m sorry, man,” I murmured.

Alex didn’t say anything.

“Is Valarie okay?” I asked.

He didn’t reply.


My question was met by silence.

“Did they, did they turn it off?”

I felt my hands start to shake. My nearly stopped as Alex slowly nodded his head. No. No. No. She could be gone? I started to shake my head trying to convince myself she was still alive. But she wasn’t. They turned it off. Valarie was gone again, but this time… forever.

I'm A Walking Travesty (All Time Low Fanfic) [Watty Awards Winner]Where stories live. Discover now