I'm A Walking Travesty (All Time Low Fanfic) - Chapter Eight

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Chapter 7

Alex’s P.O.V

The atmosphere in the bus was completely awkward. Zack and Sof were avoiding each other, which was nearly impossible in the confined space of the bus. Jack and Valarie were close at times and then they would drift away from each other. Donna has come back to join us on the tour.

Sam and I sat on the couch watching some cooking show on the TV. Donna was asleep in Rian’s arms and I could see that he was slowly drifting to sleep as well. They had spent the whole day talking and being way too close to each other. Sam had complained several times that we were never that close anymore.

“But seriously Alex. Name the last we sat and just, talked.”

I didn’t answer. We hadn’t just talked for a long time. I could feel us drifting apart and being so focused on the tour made it even worse. Sam sighed and stood up, heading into the kitchen and boiling the kettle before making herself a coffee. She looked disappointed that I hadn’t answered her.
“I’ll make it up to you,” I said finally, “How about me and you go out for dinner. Just the two of us.,”

Sam looked up from her coffee mug, her big brown eyes brightening a little.

“That sounds like a good idea,” She smiled.

“It will be our night. No distractions.”

“No random signing stuff or anything? Just the two of us?”

“Yep, just the two of us.”

Samantha stepped out from behind the bedroom door into the main part of the bus. She was wearing a light purple dress that came just above her knees and her hair was slightly curled. She looked amazing as always.

“You look, you look gorgeous,” I said as I stood up and took her hands in mine.

I kissed her gently on the lips before we headed outside. Dan had parked the bus out the back of a classy restaurant that didn’t suit my dress shirt and black skintight jeans. Sam and I snuck through the back to the table that I had booked earlier. We were in a fairly good spot, away from anyone who could possibly recognize who I was.  A waiter came over to our table and poured us both a glass of red wine. I didn’t touch mine, all I really wanted was a beer but I didn’t think that they served that here.

“So you wanted to talk?” I asked.

Sam nodded and took a sip from her glass.

“Do you remember when we first met?” She asked.

“How could I forget?” I smiled.

She laughed.

“And I was just another fan in the crowd. When I went to the meet and greet I tripped over Jack’s foot and face planted.”

“If Jack hadn’t stuck his foot out in front of you, I would never have met you,” I said, leaning across the table and taking her hands in mine.

“If only love at first sight wasn’t so painful,” Sam laughed.

“It was worth the ride in the back of an ambulance though wasn’t it?” I joked.

“Of course,” She smiled, “Even the broken wrist.”

I leaned forward and kissed her again.

“I’m glad we could do this,” She said.

“Me too.”

We sat and talked for a long time about stupid stuff. I was glad we had done this. Sam and I had drifted apart and we needed to sort things out before it got worse. I was happy we had finally had some time together alone, with no distractions and no crazy teenie fans throwing stuff at her.

“Omg! It’s Alex Gaskarth from All Time Low!”

I tried to duck my head but I had been caught out and the two girls had already made their way over to our table.

“Can we get a picture?” They asked.

“Sure,” I smiled.

Each of them took turns standing beside me and taking the photos. They thanked me before leaving again. When I turned back to Sam, I realised she was gone. I watched as she pushed open the back door to the restaurant.

“Sam wait!” I shouted after her.

“I’m done waiting.” She muttered, “You said this was going to be our night.”

And with that, she slammed the door shut behind her.

Valarie’s P.O.V

“Have you see Sam?” Alex asked.

He looked upset and confused.

“She’s in the bedroom with Sof,” I said, turning away from the card tower Jack and I were trying to make, “But I wouldn’t go in there if I were you.”

He nodded and went straight to the fridge for a beer. Jack tried to put another card on top, sending our whole tower toppling down. I groaned and put the cards back into a pile.

“What even happened?” Jack asked.

“I told her it would be just the two of us. You know how she hates not having time with just me.” He sighed, “But I ruined it.”

I had already heard what happened from Sam, but neither her or Alex really wanted to talk about it. I dropped the subject and turned back to Jack.


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