I'm A Walking Travesty (All Time Low Fanfic) - Chapter Nine

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Chapter 9

Cass’ P.O.V

“I think it’s time for an intervention,” I said as Valarie, Jack and I huddled together at the dining table.

“Me too,” Valarie agreed.

“Wait, what?” Jack asked.

“She means that we’ve gotta stop all this, this awkwardness that’s going on,” she answered.

Jack nodded.

“We need them to all kiss and make up.”

It was left up to the three of us because Rian and Donna were off having dinner. We stood up and Jack headed to the bedroom to talk to the girls first. Sof hadn’t left the bedroom for anything but the bathroom. Sam came out every so often, but wouldn’t talk to anyone but Sof. We pushed the door open to the bedroom and squeezed ourselves into the confined space. Sam and Sof were sitting on a bunk which they hadn’t moved from for a very long time. They looked up as we walked in.

“We are having an intervention,” I said.

They just stared at us. I didn’t have anything else to say so I let Valarie step forward.

“You need to stop ignoring the guys. It’s getting way out of hand,” she said.

“What do you mean?” Sof asked.

“You need to stop ignoring Zack,” Valarie said, directing her words at Sof now, “It’s harsh, considering he had the guts to tell you how he feels about you.”

Valarie was sounding harsh herself, but her blunt words were hitting home and I could see Sof properly thinking about what was going on.

“And you need to forgive Alex,” Valarie said to Sam, “It’s just his instinct to want to talk to the fans.”

The three of us left and went into the main area of the bus to talk to Zack and Alex. They were watching some court show on the tv.

“Alright you two.” I said, “ You need to stop sulking, and fix up this mess.”

Alex’s P.O.V

We had stopped at our next venue. We had arrived a day early so we were just hanging around. I climbed the last lot of stairs that led to the roof before pushing the door open and stepping out into the warm breeze. Sure enough, just as Jack had said, Sam was sitting with her back to me looking out over the edge. I sat down beside her and to my surprise she didn’t move away from me.

“Look, I’m sorry for ruining our night,” I said.

“I’m sorry too.” She replied.

“What? Why?”

“I completely over reacted. You always talk to the fan no matter what. I shouldn’t get in the way of that,” She said.

“You’ll never get in the way of anything,” I said.

“I was selfish,” She said quietly.

“No you weren’t.”

“Yes I was. I can’t have you all to myself. I just forget that I was a fan ones too.”

“It doesn’t matter Sam,” I murmured.

“I love you,” She whispered.

“I love you too.”

I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and pulled her close to me.

“Let’s never let anything like this happen again,” I whispered in her ear.

Sam nodded and snuggled closer to me. I kissed her hair and closed my eyes as the warm breeze flickered our hair.

Zack’s P.O.V

I swung my legs over the edge of the stage. Cass and Valarie were setting up in the background. I looked at the empty seats imagining screaming fans. I felt someone sit down beside me, her hair brushing my bare shoulder. In the corner of my eye I could see Sof and I felt myself body go rigid.

“Zack, can we talk?” She asked.

Her voice sounded different and I couldn’t tell whether she had been crying or it was just because I hadn’t heard her talk for nearly a week.

“Why do you want to talk now?” I asked angrily.

“I, I just wanted to sort everything out,” She said.

“Why couldn’t we have sorted it out a week ago?”

“I didn’t know what to say. I-“

“Stop playing the victim Sofiya! I had the guts to tell you how I felt and then you went and ignored me. You could have just said, No I don’t love you. But you gave me the cold shoulder. Just, just stop,” I shouted, standing up and heading backstage.

I couldn’t do this.

Jack’s P.O.V

Valarie sat on my amp tuning Alex’s guitar for him while I played a riff from Jasey Rae on my own. Zack had just stormed off the stage after yelling at Sof, who had also left crying. Valarie and I both agreed that it was so stupid and starting to get out of hand.

“What the hell has Alex done to his guitar?” Valarie asked.

It was so out of tune and had taken her nearly an hour to tune it right because Alex had broken his tuner.

“Man, I wouldn’t even know. Lucky you can tune my ear,” I replied.

“Yeah,” she smiled, “What would you boys do without me.”

“Play out of tuned guitars,” I joked.

Valarie put the guitar down when we finally both agreed that it was in tune. Alex and Samantha came on stage holding hands and laughing about something.

“I see you two have kissed and made up,” Valarie said.

Sam nodded and kissed Alex on the cheek. I rolled my eyes.

“Get a room,” I murmured, “And stop teasing my singleness.”

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