The Earth Temple part 17

Magsimula sa umpisa

<Ecryn turned back to normal and sighed in relief, again, Éclair was chosen to be the first to enter. Ecryn pushed the door opened, Éclair hadn't even stepped in it, an arrow was shot in her direction and landed at her feet.>

Éclair: what the???

Ecryn: You sure you still wanna go with it?

<Éclair rolled her eyes at her. As soon as her leg came in contact with the grassy floor, a huge boulder fell out of nowhere, she moved back and used lightning to strike it.>

Éclair: damn.................

Miketsukkami: what are we gonna do????

Lisa: well..............................we can maybe use the lock?

<Everyone looked at her.>

Lisa: what?

Éclair: might be worth giving it a try.

<Ecryn took it, and handed to Éclair. Éclair gulped and went in, as Lisa predicted, nothing happened.>

Sky: THAT'S GREAT! But how are we all gonna get in there??? We've gotta separate it somehow!

Lisa: maybe we should try a reproduction spell???

<Everyone looked at her.>

Lisa: what?

Elaine: might be worth a shot...Sky?

Sky: me????? AS ÉCLAIR!

Éclair: you do it.

Sky: b-b-b-but.................fine!

<Sky snatched it from her hand and angrily made copies of them for each and every one of them.

Éclair gave her a thumbs up>

Éclair: I knew you could do it.

Sky: oh shut up.

Flame to Elaine: don't you think that those two are exceptionally close???

Elaine to Flame: yeah....kinda.

<They all went in. After the second opportunity, they separated in the exact same groups. Weirdly enough, the same thing happened....they seemed to be going around and around in circles.>


Sakon: maybe........we should............split up again?

Sky: worked last time.

Éclair: (under her breath) yea but I also saw Miketsukkami kissing Lisa...

Sky: huh?

Éclair: nothing.......same groups.......let's go!

< Before Sky could say anything she started to spark off. Sky gave her a frown, then shook her head and headed off with the rest of her group.>

Éclair: shit...........................................................completely lost........................


Lisa: ahhhh

Miketsukkami: stop squirming!

<Éclair frowned, she headed there and peeked, they were literarily about to do 'it' right there. Éclair turned around........she then started to bubble, right then electricity sparked off in all directions. All of them got hit, and not one didn't scream.>

Princesses on adventure (EDITING PROCESS)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon